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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:30 pm
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Rp is located Here.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:34 pm
» All I know are what's in Stories // Will you forgive me for It? «
"What makes a monster and what makes a Man?"

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Kingdom's Favorite
Ragged Princess
Fearsome Beast

played __ by __ Yoko_Matsubishi

My Name is ⇢ Snow Samantha White
Better known as ⇢ Just Snow..? People used to call me Princess...but that doesn't really happen anymore.
It's only a number⇢ 17
I'm obviously a ⇢ Female
I'm so special ⇢ Gentle, softspoken and selfless, Snow White is, by nature, what people think of when they are asked what they would like in a ruler; she hardly ever gets angry or loses her temper, and even when she does she's quick to realize her mistakes (which are often many in her youth) and calm down. Preferring and encouraging diplomacy over violence, Snow is very good about listening and solving disputes as fairly as she can; she posesses the ability to connect with others despite the fact that she was raised in a higher social standing then most people, and if it would make someone happy she would have no issues with wallowing through the mud, putting herself in shoes of the most unfortunate child. Despite her lack of experience in many ways of life, Snow can exhibit stern, motherly and protective qualities if the need arises, and despite her natural innocence and purity she is learning to look at the world from a far more realistic perspective, to stand up for what she believes in. And though she may look fragile, do not assume the same of her heart; Snow is one of the most determined girls you'll ever meet once she sets her mind to something, and would give up her own life willingly to set right something which has been wronged over time. When Snow moves into her beast form most assume she can no longer distinguish right from wrong, but there have been instances where she can intelligently recognize people she cares for, such as the dwarves.
It happened like this⇢ These days in particular, there's not a lot about Snow's life that you can't find out from the villagers, or the rumor mill; born the only child of the formor King and Queen, a pair of fair and kind rulers, Snow was always loved and taken care of by the adoring townspeople and her proud parents, taught the most important things required to be known for the position she would someday take on as queen. It was all well and good for Snow's childhood, and she grew up quite well under the tutileage of her family and the rest of the kingdom; however, everything fell apart by the time she turned eleven. The Queen became ill; the doctors thought it was just a simple cold, that she would be back to perfect health in almost no time at all...but that wasn't what happened, and the next time Snow saw her mother was dead, in a casket filled with flowers. Things were never the same after that; the castle got much quietier, things became somber, and no matter how hard Snow tried, she couldn't get her father to smile unless he was riding off to war. War was what ended up changing Snow the most, in the long run; after sucessfully defeating the dark army at the kingdom's border, Snow's father brought home a particularly beautiful woman. She seemed nice enough, and though Snow thought it too sudden, she was happy to have a family again when the two married just days later. How was she to know that the next morning the guards would be rushing his dead body from the bedroom, and that she would be turned into a horrible beast all because the new Queen was jealous, and twisted?

After that, things didn't get much better; life in the dark forest was terrifying, and had Snow not run into the Dwarves who to this day still take care of her, she probably would have died. The next few years of Snow's life became based entirely around the idea of surviving for just one more hour, another day; many people came to kill her, slay her, bring her head back to the Queen, and the Huntsman was no exception. He could have done it, too; having been smart enough to catch Snow off guard by baiting her with an innocent creature, preying upon her weaknesses, Snow still remembers that blade being inches from her heart. But he didn't do it; instead the Huntsman insisted he keep her safe, take her to a sorceror able to heal her. And though Snow doesn't know if she can trust him, he's the only lead she has to taking back her throne and avenging the memory of her family.

What I can do ⇢ Though it's not really a skill, the curse Rowena and the Witch put on me turns me into a monstrous beast should anyone get too close to me; I don't like it because I lose myself, but when in that form I have some pretty incredible offensive and defensive abilties, even if they're only in the physical department. The dwarves have told me that my spittle in this form posesses the qualities of acid, which only I have an immunity to; however I suppose if I tried it I could probably control its appearing in the first place. I'd like to think I'm pretty good with plants and herbs, too; living on your own in the dark forest and eating the wrong berries is a mistake you only make once.
This is who I am ⇢ Snow White
It's dangerous to go alone ⇢ I live in the dark forest now so I don't really have much; I carry a leather pouch to hold herbs and a small locket with pictures of my mother and father in it, but that's about it; both items dissapear when I transform, I suppose so nobody will know I'm actually a person. My ears were peirced by my mother when I was younger and my earrings were given to me by my father; they're the only things that remain in my beast form.

Passing the time ⇢ Singing, exploring, taking naps in the sunlight. Back at the castle I used to read a lot, and I knew how to play the harp.

Yes, please ⇢ Sweets, warm weather, wildflowers, animals, the Dwarves, the Forest Goddess and the Sanctuary. I wish my mother and father were still here; I miss them and think of them often. I am greatful to the Hunstman..but I don't know enough about him yet to really trust him.
No, thanks ⇢ The Queen, blood, fire and turning into a monster (this includes being seen during my transformation). I don't like bitter or spicy foods, and cold weather makes it hard to survive in the forest.
Shuffle and rewind ⇢
Far longer then Forever
Breathe // Superchic[k]
Imagination Forest // IA

Complete denial ⇢ I can't even get close to people; how could I ever fall in love?
Before I forget ⇢ N/A  


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:37 am
» His little whispers, love me, love me // That's all I ask for, love me, love me «
"As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words."

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played __ by __ Hunter Crawl

My Name is ⇢ Thyme Ethan Hemmlock Dupre
Better known as ⇢ Thyme
It's only a number⇢ Twenty five
I'm obviously a ⇢ Male
I'm so special ⇢ Thyme appears as a very cold, callous, dispassionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they ever get in his way. He is not cruel by true nature, but years of his job have turned him into that kind of person. He is not particularly violent and will only fight when provoked, or if he's paid to do so, because after all, that is how he makes a living. His cold demeanor allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard. He's actually a pretty nice guy if you truly get to know him, and if he lets you close enough to get to know him. Thyme is also highly perceptive, cunning, and analytical, though he appears to be disinterested in everything. There is only a part of him that is capable of human emotion, and that part of him is rarely touched; and for some reason, Snow is one of three people who have been able to provoke any kind of human reaction in him (the other being his brother and late mother).
It happened like this⇢ Thyme, first named Ethan, had been one of two illegitimate sons of a noble and a village girl. His mother had been the medicine woman of the village near the estate where his father was living, and the man had fallen deeply in love with her charm and beauty. So when she bore him his children, healthy twin boys, he was desperate to whisk her away to his castle and marry her. But the thing was, he was quickly betrothed to another woman when his parents learned that the village herbalist was pregnant, and she was sent far away from him. When Ethan was born, his grandparents on his father's side took him away from her and his brother, Basil, as his father's wife couldn't bear him children. Since Ethan was the younger one, his grandparents on his father's side realized that they could mold him into someone they wanted him to be much easier. Ethan was raised up to be a respectable person, but it wasn't long before he found out that he wasn't his 'mother's' son. She bore his father another child and suddenly Ethan found himself shunned to the side. He hunted down his true heritage, and when he did, he ran away without looking back. He spent the next few years of his life living with his real mother, who took him back in with much crying and joyful hugs, and Basil, who got used to him only after a year or two, and learned her trade before she died when he was seventeen.
Ethan changed his back name to Thyme, after his mother's favorite spice, and took her surname, Dupre, and became a hired huntsman for a living. He never saw his father again, and was one of the few to be hired for a job in the dark forest and return to tell the tale. But he nearly lost his brother in the process and has been reluctant to return ever since. Basil decided that he couldn't bear to live in their old home without their mother, so he moved into the city, leaving Thyme alone in their house near the edge of the dark forest. He became known as the local herbalist, but few dared approach him to ask for any herbs. It was through this way that the queen found him, and hired him to kill a beast that was dwelling in the dark forest. Of course, the pay attracted him; but mostly because he believed that the beast was the evil, deadly creature that the queen told him it was. But when he went to kill it, he found that it wasn't evil; he could see the sadness in its' eyes, and he found that he couldn't kill it even more when he realized that it was no beast, but a cursed girl. Now he puts all his energy into protecting her, instead of killing her; and all he wants to do is save her from her curse...not realizing that he is slowly falling in love with her.

What I can do ⇢ Despite his job description, Thyme's best skill is herbology: the ability to know which plants are edible and which are poisonous; which ones will harm and which will heal. Hunting is his second best skill, and he knows how to make use of things in the forest to survive. He is also very keen at tracking, with the exception of tracking across mountains. Because he was a noble, he also learned swordsmanship and shooting.
This is who I am ⇢ The Huntsman
It's dangerus to go alone ⇢ Hunting crossbow, a belt with pouches for different herbs, a dangling silver earring (one of two, as the other was with his brother) and a copper-gold locket with a picture of his fraternal twin, Basil and his late mother.

Passing the time ⇢ Hunting, finding herbs and poisonous plants to create medicine and poison, writing and receiving letters from his brother
Yes, please ⇢ Solitude, the quiet of the forest, getting paid, his brother
No, thanks ⇢ Jobs that go against his morality, bossy people, people who think he can be bought for just any high price
Shuffle and rewind ⇢ But It's Better If You Do
Complete denial ⇢ Snow White; the only girl who's more afraid of Thyme being afraid of her, than actually being afraid of him like the girls in the village
Before I forget ⇢ Thyme dyed his hair platinum blonde because his mother had silver-ish blonde hair and his father had dark hair. Basil never did because his mother loved their dark hair, but Thyme knew it was because it reminded her of their father...  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:42 pm
» Well, sometimes I go out by Myself // And I look across the Water.. «
"A duty to the heart is of far greater consequence then one of the mind."

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played __ by __ Yoko_Matsubishi

My Name is ⇢ Kotaro August Cray
Better known as ⇢ Young Lord, Young Master, etc. Snow used to call me Kota, a lot.
It's only a number⇢ 19
I'm obviously a ⇢ Male
I'm so special ⇢ In comparison to the people who grew up around him, Kota has probably changed and matured the most, definately for the benefit of others; in his youth he was rather small and meek child, unable to trust most people or speak up to voice his thoughts, but in the years that have followed Kota has become a very confident person, able to encourage others and set an example for them to follow. Very much a leader at heart, Kota has a spirit that is undeniably rare in most people of the kingdom these days, and he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in, but at the same time he manages to never be overbearing, to more then usually be in control of all his emotions; perhaps in some way spending so much of his early life with Snow has made him unable to completely close up his heart, prevents him from not wanting to help as many people as he can. But it also gives him a lot of determination, and he definately knows how to put that to good use.
It happened like this⇢ When it comes to Kotaro, he's had a pretty blessed life; born the oldest of two, including his younger sister, to a pottery making mother and a good friend and the advisor to the King, his father, from the time he was able to walk Kotaro was already spending almost all his time at the royal castle, exploring it's hidden passageways and nooks, trailing the captain of the guard and climbing trees. In fact, it was in this way that Kotaro met the girl who would ultimately change his life forever; in the middle of summer, exploring the castle's highest tower, his path collided with the ever adored and curious Snow White, princess of the kingdom and future Queen. At first Kotaro couldn't stand her, couldn't deal with her fragile appearance and quiet nature, but it was only a matter of time before the two became inseperable friends; for the next few years Kotaro and Snow spent time exploring the rest of the castle, ocassionally pushing each other out of trees and the like.Things were good...until the Queen passed away from an unforseen illness, and the King brought back some strangely beautiful woman. Truthfully Kotaro had never trusted the new Queen; the way she looked at Snow and her father....completely suspicious. And then things spiraled out of control.

It had been a fairly normal day, as far as normal could pass for after the death of the first Queen, until Snow came running to his home in tears, crying that her father had been killed in the middle of the night, how she couldn't figure out who had done it, how afraid she was.Kotaro walked her back to the castle grounds....he realized all too quickly when he saw the smoke and flames that he never should have left her alone, but when his family finally reached the gates Snow was nowhere to be seen; rumors quickly spread that she had been turned into a vicious animal and banished to the dark forest, that it had been the work of the new Queen and an evil witch. Ever since that day Kotaro has been preparing himself to venture into the dark forest to save his childhood friend, to bring her back to the kingdom so she can take back her throne; and he's not about to give up like he did the first time.

What I can do ⇢ Growing up in a fairly weall off family meant Kota was taught many of the things young boys are instructed in to become well rounded men; he's well balanced in horseback riding, hunting, archery and swordplay (the latter two being his strongest points). Growing up with Snow from childhood, Kota knows how to recognize her no matter what form she's in, and he has a lot of pull with the abused people in the kingdom as co leader of the rebellion.
This is who I am ⇢ The Prince
It's dangerous to go alone ⇢ Kota carries a belt with many pouches for different things; currently those contents include a map of the dark forest drawn out by a selection of survivors, rations, his trusty sword and a dagger he keeps in his boot.

Passing the time ⇢ Reading, exploring, practicing swordplay and archery, looking for Snow.
Yes, please ⇢ Large, open spaces, his sister and parents, exploration, big dogs, competition, music (to listen, not to play), bitter foods, wrestling and other physical activities, Snow White (he won't say if he likes her as anything more then a friend).
No, thanks ⇢ Losing, the new Queen, overly sweet foods, most people touching his hair, birds (they poop on everything).
Shuffle and rewind ⇢
Take me as I Am // FM Static
Titanium // David Guetta ft. Sia

Complete denial ⇢ What? I don't have time for that sort of thing, I have to find Snow!
Before I forget ⇢ N/A  


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:29 pm
Meria Markku"Ria"Cray
» Once is an accident, twice is coincidence // Three times is an enemy action «
"Milady Rowena is nowhere near the Queen that Snow White would have been! Milady Rowena is a lying witch."

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played __ by __ SKBCTayuyaFluteofDeath

My Name is ⇢ Meria Markku
Better known as ⇢ Ria, "The Rebel Princess", Captain Ria
It's only a number⇢ 19
I'm obviously a ⇢ Female
I'm so special ⇢ I'm very protective of my family and friends. If you do anything to harm my loved ones, I will kill you, or at least come close. I'm very fiery-tempered, but if you push me past plain ol' angry, my temperament becomes icy and sharp. I am loyal to my people and those close to me. Away from the battlefield and my duties as a rebel leader, though, I am sweet, kind, and caring.
It happened like this⇢ My brother and I grew up with Snow White. Snow was almost like a sister to me, and her mother was like a second mother to me. When the Queen died, I mourned for her and comforted Snow. Then Rowena came along and stole the King's heart, and with it, the kingdom's freedom. The night the new queen killed Snow White's father, my brother and I escaped the castle with our father and his followers. We tried to go back for Snow, but she was taken by Rowena's men, and I couldn't do anything but run. I still feel guilty about leaving her. Once Rowena had taken control, she spread the word that the entire royal family were dead. She was now the ultimate ruler. I will avenge Snow White's death!

What I can do ⇢ I am skilled with a bow and arrows, and I know hand-to-hand combat and swordplay.
This is who I am ⇢ The Princess
It's dangerus to go alone ⇢ A bow and quiver of arrows, a silver dagger in one boot, a poisoned crystal dagger in the other, my sword

Passing the time ⇢ Reading, singing, dancing, embroidery
Yes, please ⇢ Sunny days, crisp apples, freedom, fighting for my people
No, thanks ⇢ Rowena, being alone, the cold
Shuffle and rewind ⇢ Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
Complete denial ⇢ What? No one!...yet.
Before I forget ⇢ I fear that I'm not good enough to lead my people, and I desperately pray not to let them down.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:40 pm
» All your humour makes me Naseous // What a twisted Game.. «
"Naturally, you are incompetant."

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played __ by __ Whitefiregirl

My Name is ⇢ Kaolen Ash Landers
Better known as ⇢ Kael, Ash.
It's only a number⇢ 23
I'm obviously a ⇢ Male
I'm so special ⇢ Kael can be described as many arcehtypes, depending on how others veiw him; on the positive side Kael is a very passionate and dedicated man, capable of taking orders and direction while following them to the utmost with perfect accuracy and efficiency. He's generally able to seperate his feelings from the task at hand, and his loyalties, once he finds them, are in a word, unfaltering. He's very battled seasoned and as such is rarely nervous and he works well under pressure, but over time he has also developed a rather bloodlusting sense for violence, and in the heat of battle has no issue with slaying both friend and foe if hindered. He's not much a people person, but it isn't impossible for him to develop attatchments to certain people; the most obvious one would be Snow White, and once he decides his fondness for a person he tends to be ultimately very jealous and posessive, almost to the point of concerning obsession. When things don't go his way Kael isn't above lying, cheating, and using excessive amounts of force. In fact, he rather enjoys the challenge of a good struggle.
It happened like this⇢ Nobody is really sure why, but for the better part of his employment as a guard member of the royal family, Kael had always despised the King in particular; some say it's because despite the fact that his entire family had been in service to the rulers of the kingdom for many years Kael's father, his brother and consequently Kael as well were never permitted any sort of promotion or recognition, only criticism and warnings to be more gentle with the troublemakers who would often cause issue for the land. In fact, the day Snow White was born Kael had been prepared to promptly lay down his sword in utter defiance of his rulers; but one look at the infant swaddled in blankets and furs, and something stirred inside him. Having lived his life in a world of anxiety, violence and blood, to see something so precious and lovely as the young Princess.....well, needless to say that for the better part of Snow's childhood Kael was there, silently keeping watch over her from the shadows in the halls, from behind trees and through various windows. The Queen knew in particular that something was wrong, and so in her lifetime she was careful to keep her daughter away from Kael, but after she passed away, by the time Snow was twelve Kael had already attempted to push her down numerous times; in his mind it wasn't a sin, it was just him professing his love for her. But the King didn't see it that way, and up until his demise Kael and the rest of his family were banished from returning to the castle.

When Queen Rowena took power, she summoned him back to the castle, made him her primary Knight, defender of the castle and her honor. And in exchange, she promised, there would never be another chance for any man to touch or claim Snow White; sure, turning her into a beast and sending her to the dark forest wasn't what Kael might have had in mind, but at the very least until he came to get her, to "save" her from her plight on lonliness, she would be well isolated. What he hadn't counted on was some idiot Huntsman not doing his job and staying out there to try and protect Snow. He's still pretty angry about that.

What I can do ⇢ Being a formor royal guard, Kael is well equipped in combat in almost every aspect (archery would be his one weak point in that respect). He's skilled in hand to hand combat, and knows all about tracking and human anatomy. Kael posesses a very natural, very vicious survival instinct; something that will come in handy on his trip to the dark forest.
This is who I am ⇢ The Jilted Knight
It's dangerous to go alone ⇢ Thanks to his working for the new Queen in a sense, Kael is provided with all the best weaponry and always has at least one sword and two daggars on his person at all times. The queen has given him plenty of rations and equipment for traversing the dark forest, as well as a few small vial of extremely potent poision.

Passing the time ⇢ Hunting, fighting, stalking looking after Snow.
Yes, please ⇢ Snow White and everything about her, winning, doing whatever he wants, battling (in any sense of the word), bitter foods, cold weather, strong opponents.
No, thanks ⇢ The old royal family, being told what to do, the Hunstman for muscling in on Snow, most people, losing, weakness and mercy.
Shuffle and rewind ⇢ (Theme Song(s))
Complete denial ⇢ Ever since I saw her I decided Snow White would be my wife; nobody can have her but me.
Before I forget ⇢ Kael sports a long, deep scar down to his chin starting above his left eye from the time a young Snow scratched him with a peice of glass during one of his seduction attempts.



Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:21 pm
» Sooner than memories begin to fray // Time has washed them away just like the sea «
"It's never easy to keep reaching for dreams"

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Goddess after Dark Forest

played __ by __ ll Yuna-Chan ll

My Name is ⇢ Shri Psyche Anath
Better known as ⇢ Shri or Psyche
It's only a number⇢ Some number of centuries
I'm obviously a ⇢ female
I'm so special ⇢ The aloof forest goddess isn't very outgoing by nature and has a tendency to keep to herself. When she speaks, her voice is very soft and quiet; and can sometimes go unheard. Shri is very friendly with those acquainted with her and those who show kindness to nature. On top of her soft tone, the goddess has a tendency to speak in a very cryptic and mysterious manner. Occasionally, people don't fully understand her statements until after certain events happen. Shri acts in a mature manner, despite her unusual feel of presence; a here, yet not quite here sort of aura
It happened like this⇢ Shri's story starts many a year century ago, where she was born to two other deities. As young as she was, Shri was quite the mischievous one (thankfully that was a trait that she grew out of over the many decades), and would constantly be playing with her magical powers, experimenting with what she can do and not do and whatnot. Unfortunately, there were many who suffered the consequences of it, such as traveling caravans, various creatures and innocent villagers. There was one event that certainly did snap the young Shri out of her attitude though.

There was an elixir in the court of the gods that everyone was ordered to stay away, never to touch it, never to drink it. But the young, curious Shri did just the opposite; once she was able to, she snatched it up and drank it down. Moments later, Shri became a magically powerful immortal, capable of doing things on par with the most powerful god, probably more. As her punishment (and their way of getting her out of the way), the gods teamed together and banished Shri into the Sanctuary, where she forever stayed with the animals and a neighboring village to keep her company.

Shri quickly learned that that particular village was a wonderful place to be at night, where the place would grow alive with music. At first, they were wary of the strange girl in the red hood, but as they saw Shri came day after day, doing no harm, they welcomed her as their own. The villagers taught her how to play with various instruments, and Shri was delighted in singing along with them. Although she was saddened as she saw her humans friends come and pass on as the years continued their march. Even though she promised herself she wouldn't be any more involved with them outside of being friends, she soon saw a young violinist that she grew rather attached to (and it was a bit obvious that he felt something for her as well -- and the whole village knew about the two). In a nutshell, it was how Shri lived her life in the past few years up until the 'Queen' Rowena made her move.

At first, Shri did her best to keep the forest alive and whole. The other gods soon chose to avoid it, falling into a sleep so deep that nothing would be able to disturb them. Shri became the sole deity awake, the immortality elixir that she took centuries ago allowing her to withstand a good most of the effects of the Dark Forest. But as time tread on, it was obvious that the Forest Goddess was tiring, the stubborn curse slowly becoming too much for her as the forest was swallowed. Even now the Sanctuary is becoming smaller and Shri doesn't deny it fact that she's growing weak. It's only a matter of time before she joins the other gods to fall into that deep sleep.

But before she's allowed that but of comfort, Shri wishes to help the exiled Snow White in her quest as much as she is able to.

What I can do ⇢ As the Forst Goddess, Shri is quite magically powerful thanks to the effects of the elixir and is capable of doing many things. However, her gift (before she drank the elixir) is the ability to communicate with nature (animals, the trees, wind, etc.) Shri feels particularly vulnerable in large human towns or cities, where there's not many natural alive things around when compared to the wilderness. Another interesting power Shri has is the ability to read books without actually opening it and flipping through the pages.
This is who I am ⇢ the Forest Goddess
It's dangerus to go alone ⇢ I have that flute the villagers gave me, as well as that young man's violin. I own a red cloak, given to me by a magician some number of decades ago, it contains magical properties, one of them is which that it helps keep my magic in check while I'm in a human form. The human body cannot contain the amount of magic that a goddess would have, therefore while I am traveling around as a human, I must be wearing this cloak to avoid turning any more sickly then I'm already am.

Passing the time ⇢ Shri enjoys conversing with various animals that come and sings a song or two whenever she's lonesome.
Yes, please ⇢ Music, peace, the forest creatures; especially the White Stag, Snow is also quite a wonderful child.
No, thanks ⇢ Queen Rowena, the Dark Forest curse, hunters
Shuffle and rewind ⇢ Yuel's Theme && Once Upon a December && Arriety's Song
Complete denial ⇢ I never even entertained that thought, all mortal men pass on quickly, after all.
Before I forget ⇢ That village that Shri visited everyday? They soon moved to a neighboring city in their attempt to avoid the Dark Forest. The young man gave Shri his violin as a parting gift.  
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