This Weapon Has Been Approved Before In August of 2011. If I need to go through approval again I will.

Name of Weapon: Kinsen (Heartstring)
Your Rank: Jounin (Ex Sannin)
Who owns the weapon: Sakuya Uchiha
Where it was found/Who made it: Sakuya made this weapon since most Uchiha is good with string and because of his skill with a sword he just merge the two for more easy combat.
Users Class: Samurai
The Range of the weapon: 26-3/4 Inches (About 2 Feet)
Weakness: Even though strings are strong they can still be able to be cut by large heavy sword.
Description: The blade of the Kinsen is made with 440 Stainless Steel. From appearance it looks like a normal katana; however it is far from being normal. The bell attach too the end of the hilt has string with it. Applying the user chakra they can force the string out and tie itself to an surface or person. The string is very thin steel string and when tighten it can cut solid object and a skin of person slightly and adding different charka level will give the string different level of strength . The main usage of the string is tie opponents down and because of it steel structure. The can't be broken by only brute force; however with brute force and sharpness like a large sword can break the string. When the user moves the bell away from the object that the string is tie too it can tear it apart. The bell can be unattached from the hilt, so the user can control the string with one hand and the other can use the sword.

String Level Power:
Genin Chakra Input (C Jutsu): Just cause manor cuts and make marks on surface/objects like rocks.
Chuunin Chakra Input (B Jutsu): Deeper cuts and make large cuts on surfaces/objects.
Jounin Chakra Input (A Jutsu): Larger cuts and can almost break different surfaces/objects
Sannin/Kage Chakra Input (S Jutsu): The strings can actually cut through the person muscles and destroy surface/objects.

Rp Sample:
A shadow figure brush through the tree branch and branch. It seem like this figure was running from something or someone. That guess would be right. A blue blur came through the forest right after the shadow figure. The blue figure was Sakuya of the Mist Village. "My my aren't I didn't think you were the type to run away, but I guess I will need to make you stay put," he said. It seem like he was going for the hilt of his katana; however he grabbed the bell the was at the end of it. A glow of charka appeared around the bell as something strike out and went to grab the shadow figure, but it missed and hit a tree and causing a large amount of bark to be teared off. "Whoops I put too much energy into that one. Good thing you dodged," he said with a slight chuckle. The shadow figure seemed to panic when he saw what Sakuya did too that tree. He started to run faster, but lost his footing and started to fall to the ground; however he stopped in midair. He looked around and saw his arm and legs were tied with string. The man looked up and saw Sakuya sitting on a tree branch with a smile on his face. "Well I have you now and how about we go back to the Mist and talk about your little crime," he said in a pleasant tone.