This is a role play for either Batman or Spiderman.

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It has been years since The Lizard was put in jail and a few weeks ago he died from a heart probably, it wasnt long before a medical corporation named "Fredricks" opened up and they were working on a cure to regrow limbs, just like the last project that started, The Lizard a man injected himself with the antibiotic since he was a verteran and had no legs, indeed his legs grew back healthy and stong but he also grew a tail. His tail was about 4 feet long and it was quiet large and also healthy, he saw this as a bright side as he seemed to like it but after a few days his skin was changing to scales and soon begna changing color, before he could get help he had changed completely to a large monsterous lizard. Unlike the other cure before him, he cant change back, his muscles grew as he changed completely and his sences change, he could see in both regular and inferred along with his smelling had improved. The night he had competely changed his white vest had ripped from his chest and his pants stretched out as he fell from his apartment window out of confusion and landed 3 stories down onto the concrete sidwalk, he only stood up in confusion as he was running to his medical corp, the police and SWAT were on him in a matter of minutes as he could even run straight, he was confused and frightened about his new form, it was a matter of time until word got out and reached the hero of the city....