Rain Village Genjutsu


Aquatic Ambience- The user targets the enemies sense of hearing during the midst of any sort of Rainfall. The moment the user comes into contact with the Rainfall after the genjutsu was activated the enemies hearing will begin to amplify the sound of falling rain. The sound of Rainfall will become louder and louder until thats the only thing that the enemy can hear. This technique is great for concealing the sound of movement, and creating confusion.The only way to escape this genjutsu is by releasing out of it.

Aquatic Tides- The user targets the enemies sense of sight during the midst of any sort of rainfall. The moment the user looks upon the rain/ water the rainfall will seem to drastically increase until the user is completely submerged in water. While submerged, the targets vision will have a wavy aquatic blur to it, making it extremely difficult to clearly see anything outside a seven foot radius. As an added bonus, the targets movement will feel the resistance of being underwater. The only ways to escape this jutsu is by releasing out of it, or by coming into ontact with another person.

Aquatic Chill- This genjutsu takes effect within the midst of any rainfall, and is activated through a sense of touch. With each passing second the rainfall will get colder and colder. The enemy will begin to see their breath as their body temperature steadily decreases with their surroundings. Overtime the enemies body will begin to feel so cold, that they will start to feel the symptoms of hypothermia, causing coughing, shaking, and decreased//delayed movement. The only way to escape this genjutsu is by releasing from it, or an alternative source of pain.

Aquatic Stench- The genjutsu can only be activated through the midst of rainfall, and only takes effect through the users sense of smell. Almost instantaneously the cool blue waters of the rain will fade to red, and develope the stench of blood. This smell is almost overwhelming to all, and disrupts all clans that use smelling// tracking jutsu. This genjutsu has been known to slightly distort a persons vision. This genjutsu can be escaped only by releasing from it.


Substituting Rain- This genjutsu takes effect on impact with the user. Once the target is hit by a physical attack he will dispurce into raindrops; thus vanishing completely from sight. After impact the user will reappear within the given radius of the rainfall.

Piercing Waters- The genjutsu can be ctivated only in the midst of any sort of Rainfall. The user concentrates on the enemies sense of touch, making each and every drop of rain feel like a falling senbons. Each raindrop will have the equivalent pain of a pin p***k, making it quite distracting. However, this genjutsu only lasts up to three posts unless Released.

Condescending Puddle- This genjutsu effects the enemy through their sense of sight. Upon the next step the user makes after entering the gentjutsu it will appear as if he splashed through, and sank, into the ground, like a rain puddle. Once sinking through the ground the enemy will begin to sink deeper, and deeper into the floor when in reality they are simply squirming on the ground. The only way to escape the genjutsu is through contact with another person, or if Released.

Storm Cloak- A genjutsu that effects the enemies sense of sight. Within the midst of any sort of rainfall the user is capable of fading into the rain, like camouflage. However, if the user moves while cloaked it will reveal his outline within the rain; giving away his location. Although this jutsu can't be kai'd, it will stop if the rain ceases.


Reflecting Pool- A defensive Genjutsu that can leave a devastating mark on the enemy if used correctly. The user creates a spinning shield of water, in the shape of a cylinder, around themselves that is capable of blocking weapons, physical blows, and jutsu of an equivalent rank. However, the illusion part of the jutsu takes place at those who look/attack the shield. By looking at the shield the enemy will see their own reflection. If they hit their own reflection they will feel pain equivalent to their attack, and see scars equal to the damage.

Scalding Rain- This genjutsu takes effect within the midst of rainfall, and takes effect through the sense of touch. Typically rain is suppose to be cool, and refreshing, but after being hit by a single raindrop that is clearly not the case. For each drop of rain will have a hot, scalding feeling that will begin to dehydrate the body. Outside the genjutsu the enemies body temprature will increase, sweat perfusely, and become extremely fatigued. The only way for the enemy to escape this genjutsu is through physical impact by an outside source, or through releasing.

Rain Dance- The genjutsu can only be activated in the midst of rain, and affects the enemy the moment they hear te sound of rain. The sound of Rain becomes seductive, and bordeline exotic, as it entraps the enemy in its bewitching music. Once the hypnotic rhythm of the rain is heard the enemy begins to sway from side to side as they raise their arms out, away from their body almost in a sense of praise. The user can only be freed of the Genjutsu the moment the rain stops, or if they come in contact with another person. However, if the user used Aquatic Ambience is still in effect during the use of this genjutsu than the genjutsu can only be escaped is by escaping the rain.

Demonic Illusions: Phantoms in the Rain- This genjutsu can only be activated within the midst of rainfall, and effects the enemies sense of sight and/or hearing. The enemies surroundings will grow dark, leaving nothing but rain and darkness. The rainfall will then proceed to conjure demonic visons of the enemies greatest fears, as well as traumatic events from their past. Furthermore, the user is alloud to interveine with the enemies illusions, or even attack them mentally within the genjutsu. The only way to escape the genjutsu is through an outside source, or by defeating the castor within the genjjutsu.

Boiling Blood- The user targets the enemies sense of sight/touch. Upon making eye contact with the enemy the target's skin will appear to bubble up like boiling water. On a side note the target will feel a scalding pain throughout his body when in reality their body is just in a cold sweat. Although it can be a useful distraction, the sole purpose of this jutsu is to torture the enemy.


Quenching Thirst- An adaptation to the Rain Dance, the genjutsu takes effect in the midst of rainfall, and effects the enemy through their sense of taste. The hypnotic waters of the rain causes the enemy to look to the skies, and open their mouth for a drink of rain water. The moment the first raindrop hits their mouth, the enemy will feel as if they are twenty-feet below the ocean, and begin to feel a drowning sensation. In reality the enemy is just refusing to breath, and will eventually sufficate himself if the proper action isnt taken. The only ways to escape this genjutsu is if the enemy recieves and outside source of oxygen, or if released out of.

Storm Waltz- The illusive sister jutsu to Mirrors of the Rain. The user can only use this jutsu in the midst of rainfall. The user creates a series of mirrors all around his//her opponent. The mirrors cannot be harmed by flames and not destroyed by lightning due to being made of chakra. The user can step into the mirror but instead of having his or her reflection cast on all the mirrors they appear to have vanished. While in here the user can strike similar to demonic ice mirrors, traveling at very high speed. While inside the Mirrors the user will begin to play tricks on the enemies minds by casting not only the users reflection, but also the reflections of the enemy, and their allies. If the enemy attacks their own reflection, or the reflection of an ally, the genjutsu will create an illusion that will reflect that damage onto that target.

Mind Shatter- An illusion designed to affect the users mind. The user can only use this on a restrained target. Once the target is restrained the user will create a mirror from a source of water, showing the target his reflection. Upon seeing his reflection the target will begin to have flashbacks of important moments in their lifetime. Upon having these flashbacks the mirror will begin to crack, and eventually shatter, erasing all of the targets most recent memories. This will leave the target with a sense of Amnesia, that will clear up over the course of five posts. This is a technique used to erase any unwanted memories of spies, and assassins

Watercolor Maelstrom- This genjutsu targets an enemies sense of sight, sound, and touch. This genjutsu can only be used if the enemy is in a source of rainfall. Upon entering the genjutsu the target will start to lose their hearing to the sound of consistent rainfall. Then, with each drop of rain, the enemies surroundings will begin to smear, like watercolors, leaving the targets sight extremely distorted. Accordingly as the ground becomes distorted with watercolor, the user will begin to sink into the watercolor, and into an infinite abyss.

Frozen Minefield- The user focuses on the enemies sense of touch, and can only be used on targets either in a source of rain, or a wet target. The user makes a single handsign that sends out a pulse that freezes a source of water into ice. This leaves rain to be perceived as sharp pieces of floating ice, and wet targets to be frozen in place. If frozen the target will begin to feel the symptoms of hypothermia when in reality its just a cold sweat. To escape this genjutsu one must come in physical contact with an outside source.


Reflection in the Rain- This genjutsu can only be used by those of the genjutsu class, and is the most reknown genjutsu that the Rain Village can possess, capable of affecting anyone within the rain, and within twenty-five feet of the user casting the genjutsu. The genjutsu takes effect the moment the enemy looks into the rain. After a few breif seconds they will begin to notice a figure, identical to themselves, take shape within the rain. Eventually it will make an exact replica of the enemy, that will match the exact speed//strength of the enemy when the genjutsu activated.

This Reflection clone will be capable of using everything that the enemy knew at the point that the genjutsu was activated. However, when in combat with the original copy the reflective clone will tend to mimic the enemies movements, fighting style, and even their jutsu; just like a reflection.

The only way for the enemy to defeat this genjutsu is to defeat the reflective clone, or by simply releasing out of the Genjutsu itself. However, releasing from the genjutsu will come at a cost, due to the fact that the Reflection will Kai you aswell, leaving you both to fade away with the rain.

Washed Away- This genjutsu takes effect the moment the user feels a source of water touching their skin. With each and every drop of rain that touches the users body they will begin to notice that the outline of their body structure will begin to wash away, like when water is added to paint. The enemy will begin to feel their body wash away into complete nothingness, until there is nothing left standing. However, in reality the enemy encased in this genjutsu is merely standing there in a petrified state. This genjutsu can be escaped by releasing out of the genjutsu. However, you can only release from the genjutsu as long as your hands havent been washed away.