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PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:46 pm
Their is no actual story line to this except that each of these planets are at war, and have been at war for so loong they dont even remember the reason for why they are fighting. The only reason to fight is because they have a "hunger" to fight.


Swamp Planet
Inhabitants: Humanoid Creatures that have certain traits of Reptilian creatures and Amphibious animals such as their versions of Snakes, Alligators, Frogs and some types of fish.
To Outsiders this Planet is a bit of a mystery, but if Described by an inhabitant it would described as a beautiful lush planet covered in many trees and a few strange yet beautiful plants. Though the creatures of the swamp are mostly harmless there is always a thorn to each rose, a few of the creatures are large and dangerous carnivores that eat other creatures including the inhabitants who have taken to living in trees to stay safe from the dangers in the waters below usually using a network of bridges from tree to tree just to be safe, but most of the animal population are omnivores, while they eat meat they have taken to eating plants a little more often and are used as pets to the inhabitants. Even with their allies of the Planet Euglathar they are not very keen on space travel, though they are mighty fighters they also don't have a knack for guns either so usually in times of battle they are the ones to invade enemy ships and take them out on the inside using spears and knives and other bladed weapons, but even with their distaste for space travel they use the ships taken in battle to have an advantage over their enemies and possibly their allies should their so called 'Friends' turn on them. They also have a secret, using special tunnels within the tree system they are able to travel into underground labs located under the swamp where they work on biological weapons such as poisons and viruses using the plant life around them and the metals and gases sent to them from Euglathar to create dangerous chemicals to use against their enemies should the need become great.

Volcanic Planet
Inhabitants: Dragonic Humanoids that have a resistance to extreme heat and immunity to the poisonous gases produced from the Volcanoes. There are also a few cousins of the Reptilian inhabitants of the planet Yiodhav that live there. Though instead of smooth scales and skin they have taken on a harder shell that is less sensitive to heat and is more resilient to damage.
Euglathar is a violent planet covered in mountains of lava, and though there is plant life, it is usually around Volcanoes that have long gone dormant, but even with this blessing most of the land is barren since the Volcanoes erupt so often there is little chance for new life to grow. But the Inhabitants use this to their advantage, unlike their allies who live with the land and in trees,they live on the ground and work in large metal making factories built into active Volcanoes, and produce war machines and ships that give off powerful blasts of energy and plasma to bring down their enemies. they use the fires of an active volcano to produce these dangerous weapons and when a Volcano becomes dormant they move on abandoning their factories to the plant life that begins to take over. The general population is also not very friendly while love is still in their vocabulary they are usually a stony faced race of beings that focus more on War then anything else, they would rather die in battle then be caught doing house work (same for the females) though house work is not required since they spend most of their time in the factories and eating raw meat then having to cook or clean. The more Dragonic inhabitants of Euglathar, being the first inhabitants of the planet have taken on the ability to breath fire with heat equivalent to the fury of a Volcano.

The Desert Planet
Inhabitants((choose from only what is listed)): Humans, Animal and Insect Humanoids (such as Lions, Jackals, Scarabs, Spiders, and Scorpions)
Info: Plagued by sandstorms the inhabitants of Toraphan usually live underground in cities, though the entrances are within cities that are above ground for the convenience of travelers. Here the inhabitants are advanced beyond belief but they tend to keep their inventions simple save for their Ships that travel from planet to planet and look like giant gold pyramids. But even with this advancement the inhabitants of Toraphan are Neutral to the war, while they help travelers from all planets they have no qualms with being hired as mercenaries or assassins, they specialize in weapons that look like staffs and spears and pack a powerful punch, the staffs act also as long range, able to blast a target from a distance and can be used to bash in someones skull in close combat. The people of Toraphan, while non hostile are, for lack of a better word, stuck up, the only reason they remain Neutral is for the fact that while the others are fighting and depleting their resources they remain rich and prosperous and have advanced so far that if they wanted to, they believe they can take over the Galaxy, but they find that prospect to unfair and it would be so tiring that instead they watch and wait and help where they can as long as it was beneficial to them. Their food source is mostly omnivorous, they eat the various creatures of the desert and other forms of meat traded from other planets in exchange for shelter, weapons and jewels. But they also live off of fruit grown underground safe from the violent sand storms above and grown beside artificial underground rivers and sunlight. Though as a traveler be advised not to explore the desert without a guide, not only the inhabitants live underground, but other large creatures that are looking for a nice mid-day snack.

The Ice Planet
Inhabitants: Furry (anthropic) creatures (werewolves...Siberian Tigers winter creatures etc.)
Info: this planet is incredibly cold and always stays below 0 degrees. Their is rarely any food on this planet but the metal under the ice makes this planet one of the most wealthy, though they mostly use the metal to build homes for themselves and are constantly attacked by Euglathar for the rare metal. Though they have water, it is hard to keep food abundant so they usually seek help from their neighboring planet Atiophar for food for their livestock while trading war materials to them. Here on the ice planet they use any type of weapon they can get a hold of whether making them themselves or taking them as spoils of war. Though some inhabitants, being more spiritual then others have been able to connect with the land around them giving them the unique ability to create and manipulate ice while others would rather tear or blast an enemies face off ranter then giving them the pleasure of a freezing death, one of the less painless ways to go

the planet of floating mountains
Inhabitants: bird-like creatures (harpies, Birds of prey...sparrows...pick something hopefully war-savvy...)
Info: This Planet would have to be the most mysterious. If you get close enough to the planets core you would be crushed immediately under the pressure, but strangely a force greater then the planets gravity holds up it's Mountains in a type of floating haven to all feathered creatures whether Herbivores or Carnivores. On this planet they have to trouble with finding food or water without having to grow it themselves or creating artificial means of keeping it unfortunately they cannot mine material without damaging the force keeping the mountains up in the air so they rely on Dlentev to help them with that, sending them food in return for Metal in order to build ships to defend the planet from outsiders, though the more War loving inhabitants constantly attack Euglathar for their abundance of metals while being attacked for their food and water. They also have a major advantage, stealth, even their ships that they polish till they look like mirrors have the ability to camouflage themselves into any background, only someone paying attention could spot one and even then it would just look like a strange disfigure in the landscape reflected off of it. But when fighting one on one the Atiopharians use the landscape around them to their advantage usually hiding in the trees or flying silently above the enemy before swooping down for the kill. They also fight in numbers when it is convenient and can still remain undetected until the last second.

Capital Ships

Swamp Planet
User Image

Volcanic Planet
User Image

The Desert Planet
User Image

The Ice Planet
User Image

the planet of floating mountains
User Image

Credit to Vestakia101 for the upgraded info for the planets and capital ships
PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:51 pm
1. Pm me your profiles and I will post them below
2. No god modding
3. No killing each other's characters
4. Romance is permitted and recomended, but please keep it at pg-13
5. Please dont go over board with the weapons, equipment, and skills
6. Please be literate, at least a paragraph
7. No text talk "lyk dis"
8. Have fun!



Other Features: (scars, tattoos, etc)

Home Planet:
Alliance: (ally, traitor, etc.)
Occupation: (job)
Weapons: (may be pictures or description)
Personal Devices: (cloaking system, armor, etc)
Special Skills: (speed, night vision, etc)

Vehicle (G.E.A.R.)
(before you choose go to bottom to see information on the types of gears)

G.E.A.R. Name: (hawkeye, talon, etc)
G.E.A.R. Model: (B, A, I, M)
Weapons: (Max of 4, two of the same weapons count as two of your four choices)
Weapon Info: (tell us what each weapon does, ammunition type, etc)
Equipment: (extra armor, cloak, etc)
Other Features: (markings, symbols, etc)

G.E.A.R. Models

B-Gear: Brandy Burg
The Brandy Burg is well rounded dogfighter and is also known for its tactical bombing system. It is able to transform its primary missile weapons into effective bombs.

The B-Gear is compatible with almost any weapon, except for those that can be equiped to the A-Gear. It can also be used for any mission, but lacks the abilities to be most dominant in any type of battle.

A-Gear: Anima Mortar
One of the newest models of G.E.A.R. This model is knownfor its high powered weapons that can rip through almost any armor and also for its ability to transform into a ground assault vehicle.

The A-Gear has its own unique set of weapons that can only be equiped to this specific vehicle, but are less accurate than most other weapons that the other G.E.A.R.s can use.

M-Gear: Meadow Bugle
The M-Gear is mostly known for its armor and special designed thrusters that can allow it to be controlled like a helicopter. This G.E.A.R. is mostly used to be a decoy for enemy fighters or as a shield for heavy assaults.

The M-Gear's weapons are not as powerful as the other G.E.A.R.s but it makes up for its powerful armor.

I-Gear: Idle Sniper
The I-Gear is known for its highly accurate weapons and amazing speed. The I-Gear is mostly used for guerilla warfare but with the use of a skilled pilot it can be sued for full on assaults with a squad.

The I-Gear is the fastest and most accurate out of the other G.E.A.R.s but it lacks armor and usually must have a second fighter to fight along side it.  



PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:56 pm
Profile Entries

Username: WhiteDragonLady
Name: Chaos Blue
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: White Lepord
Height: 5"9' (almost 6ft)
Weight: 340
History: Not much is known about her, since not many creatures come to her planet since it's mostly made up of ice and snow. She usually lives in the mountains where no one dares venture up due to the winds and cold and tends to be a lone wolf. She has no family to speak of since she can't remember having any to begin with and no close friends. Now and again, you can catch a glimpse of her wandering the dangerous paths up and down the mountains, but most people chalk it up to their imagination or being out in the cold for too long.
Other Features: Her spots are what stand out the most in the white background but again, people assume that it was just the trick of the wind.
User Image

Home Planet: Dlentev
Alliance: Ally
Occupation: Shawoman
Weapons: Mostly her claws and teeth. but she does carry around a dangerous, looking scythe strapped to her back
Her scythe

Personal Devices: A natural cloaking system. Her fur makes it impossible to see or detect her in her icy environment.
Special Skills: Speed, strength, and night vision

Vehicle (G.E.A.R.)

G.E.A.R. Name: Ice Fang
G.E.A.R. Model: A
Weapons: Dual Blasters, Hyper Cannon, and Star Striker
Weapon Info: Dual Blasters are twin-like shooters that pick a target, lock-on and then fire two beams, forming into one to hit their target. Hyper Cannon is a lot more subtle and a bit more powerful than the Dual Blasters, you aim at the target, and it fires a huge particle laser, incinerating whatever it touches (unless you have really strong armor, you will get fried. Just so you know ^.^), the Star Striker is a ultra thin weapons system that combines the Dual Blasters and the Hyper Cannon into one entire and dangerous weapon. It can fire three beams at once,taking out the enemy with the small explosion kin to a supernova.
Equipment: Invisibility cloaking armor
Other Features: red/white in color
Ice Fang


Username: Firionthedragon
Name: Geoff Crusero
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Phoenix
Height: 6’3
Weight: 318 lbs.
Geoff was once a soldier in the military, but due to his “reckless” behavior he was sent home with a dishonorable discharge. Without wanting to return home as a disgrace he instead stole one of the many GEARs stationed inside the base he was assigned to. With the vehicle in hand, he fled his home planet and flew to the neighboring planets, where he bought new parts and equipment (and maybe a drink or two), then used these new parts to redesign his craft. This is where his story really begins, with his modified craft he began taking jobs that required him to eliminate dangerous targets that the military thought were “too dangerous” to handle in a fight. After eliminating a few dangerous criminals, people from all over have been hiring him to eliminate other targets, but of course Geoff would have to ask for accurate information on his target in order to accept his mission (he didn’t want to end up killing someone just because he owed a few thousand dollars to a former drug runner or something).
Other Features: Only a small necklace with the symbol of a gryphon hanging at the end.
User Image
Home Planet: Atiophar
Alliance: None
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapons: Custom designed sniper rifle, a S-94 marksman rifle, and an Energy blade (in pic)
Sniper: This custom rifle is a fully redesigned version of the classic “old western” revolver, but is repurposed to act as a sniper. This is a 50cal. Rifle with an 8 shooter revolver drum, added with a bolt action loading system to top off its western style build.
S-94 rifle: The S-94 rifle is a energy based weapon designed for military marksman. The rifle is designed for precise shooting while also piercing through shields and armor, however unlike the combat variation of this rifle, it over heats much faster and requires a replacement battery (which is designed to eject once overheated) due to its long cool down duration.
Energy blade: The energy blade is a (by its name) an energy based close quarters weapon resembling that of a Samurai katana (but only with a glowing blue blade that can cut through almost any infantry based armor). The blade serves no official purpose to military personnel, but is very popular among pirates and smugglers.
Personal Devices: Only a set of light weight body armor and a helmet that allows him to see in various vision types (infrared, night vision, etc.).
Special Skills: Increased reflexes and speed. A natural ability to see much farther in detail than any other animal (besides fellow avian).

Vehicle (G.E.A.R.)

G.E.A.R. Name: Guardian
G.E.A.R. Model: I-Gear
Weapons: 2x 20mm Vulcan (model 9), a Rail gun, and Cluster Missile Pod
Weapon Info:
20mm Vulcan: A simple Gatling gun based off the “prehistoric” model, but only fully reconstructed to be effective in space assaults. The all new Vulcan fires 40 rounds a second and has a built in cooling system that allows longer fire duration. However, unlike the energy weapons that are in current use, the Vulcan has limited ammunition and is not as accurate. The upside to the Vulcan is the extra penetration (as long as a ship’s shields are down).
Rail gun: The rail gun is a military grade sniper based weapon. This weapon is specifically designed to quickly and efficiently destroy the soldier’s target, using a small projectile of energy that easily pierces through shields and armor. However, the user must choose his/her targets carefully for the rail gun has a recharge delay, although it’s a short delay, its still enough to give the pilot a disadvantage on the battle field.
Cluster Missile Pod: The missile pod is an anti-air weapon specifically designed to eliminate multiple targets quickly. The pod fires a single missile (after the pilot has locked on to his/her target(s)) then travels a set distance before ejecting its outer shell. This leads to a second ignition, which fires the two dozen mini rockets inside at their target(s). Unlike most other rockets, the cluster missile is of little use to high armored units.
Equipment: Overdrive thrusters and G-diffuser system
Equipment Info
Overdrive: the overdrive system is the more “modern” version of the afterburners in an aircraft. The overdrive system allows the pilot’s aircraft to travel nearly 3x the speed of sound (approx. 2100mph). However the pilot will have a much harder time piloting the craft as long as the overdrive is online and if the system is online too long the craft’s engines will either blow out or destroy the craft all together.
G-diffuser system: The G-diffuser system is a unique device that allows the pilot to “spin circles” around enemy shuttles. The g-diffuser is a system of small thrusters installed into the craft that increases the speed of the ship’s maneuverability in gravity based environments (such as when inside a planet’s atmosphere).
Other Features: The vehicle is designed with the same colors and pattern as his own body.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:59 pm



PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:00 pm
PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 11:20 am
(trying to get this going)  


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