Hi, My name is.. well obviously Sailor Black Moon.

I'm the current GM of a tiny little guild for the Rainbow Senshi.

We're not super active, but over the years we've had alot of GREAT artwork done for us. Some for current members, some for those who are no longer with us.

Unfortunutly, thanks to turnover, we've lost alot of this artwork along the way.

It is my desire to preserve our history and gather these images in our DA Group.

Why am I here? Because of our high turnover over the years, I must find people who are no longer part of the guild. (or whoms characters still in our guild have gone inactive) Hopefully people with the information we need are still active somewhere in Gaia's SM RP community.

So, I must ask, if you any information about any piece of artwork done for someone in the Rainbow Senshi guild please contact me. We need links and any information you have about the artist themselves. (DA wants artists to upload their own work when possible, so we have to try and find the original artist when possible).

I know the artists and old members must be floating around somewhere.
Thank You.