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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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The Cherri Family ~ Accepted

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Surefire Codger

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:25 pm

xxxT H ExxC H E R R IxxF A M I L Yxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxC U R R E N T F A M I L Y M E M B E R Sxxx
Phillip Cherri - Widow of Yvonne, Father of Nicole and Preston, NPC
xxx↪Nicole Whitethorne (nee Cherri) - Daughter of Preston and Yvonne, mother of Tanya, Timothy, and Issac, located in the Whitethorne thread
xxxxxx↪Tanya Lovette (nee Whitethorne) - Daughter of Nicole, mother of Tristan Lovette, located in the Lovette thread
xxxxxx↪Timothy Whitethorne - Son of Nicole, located in the Whitethorne thread
xxx↪Preston Cherri - Son of Phillip and Yvonne, husband of Liana, father of Darrell, NPC
xxx❤Liana Cherri (nee Browning) - Daughter of Jack Baker and Tiesha Browning, wife of Preston, mother of Darrell, NPC
xxxxxx↪Darrell Cherri - Son of Preston and Liana Cherri
Played by Diamond Wales

xxxxxxxxxxxP A S T F A M I L Y M E M B E R Sxxxxxxxxxx
      Yvonne Cherri

↪ = Offspring
❤ = Married
✿ = Adopted
xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
UPDATED 1/5/18

ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [03/31/2017]
RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY ~𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔰 [6/9/2019]
Darrell [03/31/2017]
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:47 pm

(Moved to Whithethorne Family thread)


Surefire Codger

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Surefire Codger

13,950 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:50 pm

(Moved to Whitethorne Family thread)
PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:20 pm

(Moved to the Whitethorne Family thread)


Surefire Codger

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Diamond Wales

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 3:03 pm

xxXxxPhillip Maurice Cherri, Non-Player CharacterxxXxx

Hi, my name is Phillip Maurice Cherri.

But I mostly go by Phillip.

I'm a male.

I'm 63 years old.

My birthday is November 7th, 1967.

I work in the Office for House Elf Relocation as the head of that office.

My dream job is well, using my gifts to assist anyone. Not sure that qualifies as a specific job or not.

My blood status is pureblood.

The house I was in was Ravenclaw.

I was in the class of 1986.

I'm interested in women.

I'm currently with Yvonne Cherri, however, she has been deceased now for the last seven years.

I may seem thoughtful, quiet, and patient but I'm really well, that is my general demeanour. I think before I act, and am considerate of others. I am also a very intelligent man, who has many years of experience under his belt. I am a very calm man, and can often talk people out of trouble should I need to. This helps to compliment other people that are younger than I am, and considering some people I know, I am often their voice of reason. Beyond that, I imagine that I am a devoted family man and wish to see the best for my children and theirs.

My background story is Well, I was born into the then-pureblood family of Cherri, and raised by my mother and father. They were both in my mind very patient and hardworking, and instilled a desire to help those in me. It helped that I was a quick study during my youth, even though I do admit I ran into my fair share of trouble. I imagine my teachers and such at school would agree with me.

I went to Hogwarts when I turned eleven and was sorted into Ravenclaw. There, my intellect and calm demeanour helped me out quite a bit, even if I still did cause a bit of mischief. I did pretty well otherwise, graduating near the top of my class soon after the fall of Voldemort.

Now, most people would say they went on to meet the love of their life, get married, have children, and live happily ever after, but that wasn't necessarily going to happen. I met my wife, Yvonne, when I was a much younger man. She was a very beautiful woman, and while my parents weren't exactly ecstatic about the match (she was a muggle, after all), she became the light of my life. We wed in the spring of my twenty-first year, and soon thereafter had our first child. Our second child, Nicole, was born three years later, and now that I look back, I wish I could have stepped in at some point. Both she and Denna went to Hogwarts together, and that was where Nicole met Gregory. A fairly intelligent man, I met him once or twice before they were married, and I wish I could have seen the signs back then. However, nothing indicated anything was wrong. By that time, Yvonne and I had our third child, Preston, and he was going to Hogwarts as well, and with that, my work, and everything else, I was much too busy to realize anything was going on. We lost contact with Nicole soon after. We did receive pictures of our grandchildren shortly after they were born, but we haven't heard anything in a long time. I worry that something happened to them, and had to persuade Preston that he shouldn't try and go looking for trouble, as I was certain that Nicole was trying to protect herself and the rest of her family from what was going on. Sadly, five years ago Yvonne passed away, and the house has been rather different since then, what with Preston getting married himself and having his own son.

I enjoy reading, quiet nights, being with family, a bit of mischief now and then, and helping people.

I despise well, first of all, the word despise. However, I will admit there are things I do despise. The loss of my daughter, ignorant individuals, suggestions that those not human are less than wizards, and taking advantage of anyone.

I'm afraid of anything happening to my family beyond my control.

My strengths are my intelligence and my calming voice.

My flaws are I may think too much when action needs to happen.

I look like Morgan Freeman..

My wand is a 12 1/3 inch ash and unicorn hair, knobby and bendy.

My pet is a barred owl named Sandy.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy - E

Charms - E

Defence Against the Dark Arts - E

Herbology - O

History of Magic - A

Potions - E

Transfiguration - E

Care of Magical Creatures - O

Ghost and Ghoul Studies - O

Healing - E

World Studies - E

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Astronomy - A

Charms - E

Defence Against the Dark Arts - A

Herbology - E

Potions - E

Transfiguration - A

Care of Magical Creatures - O

Ghost and Ghoul Studies - O

Healing - E

World Studies - A
PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:04 pm

xxXxxPreston Jerome Cherri, Non-Player CharacterxxXxx

Hi, my name is Preston Jerome Cherri.

But I mostly go by Preston or Pres.

I'm a male.

I'm 30 years old.

My birthday is April 5th, 2000.

I work in Witch Watchers as their head.

My dream job is something in law enforcement, to be honest.

My blood status is halfblood.

The house I was in was Gryffindor.

I was in the class of 2018.

I'm interested in women.

I'm currently with Liana Cherri.

I may seem focused and determined but I'm really pretty laid back and chill for the most part. Unless someone threatens me or my family and friends. I do admit I might have a bit of a temper, but that's mostly reserved for people that tick me off. I guess I'm pretty brave and willing to stand up for other people. I also don't like to take bull from anyone, and am a pretty good judge when someone's trying to pull the wool over my eyes.

My background story is I am the youngest son of Yvonne and Phillip Cherri, and my sisters were born years before me. I guess I kinda came as a surprise, since I don't think they were expecting another kid. In any case, my parents got a new kid and my sisters got a pain in their arse. I was pretty much the type of kid that annoyed the heck out of them, and well, when I started outgrowing that tendency, they were both at school.

My school years weren't too bad. I was sorted into Gryffindor and had a good time there. I wasn't exactly the most exemplary student, but I tried my best. Dad got a few grey hairs over me though. Though not as many as the whole issue with Nicole. See, she graduated years before I did, and went on and married her school sweetheart. She then up and vanished, and I haven't heard from her since. I did meet Liana in school though. She was in Slytherin, and had a pretty big attitude. Which of course caused us to clash quite a bit during school. She was in the year after mine, and of course we didn't see each other enough to warrant us not getting along, but we didn't. It wasn't until my last year that we both realized we actually liked each other. After that, we dated and I graduated from school.

To say that life's been easy since I became an adult is a serious lie. Not only did I get the talk from my dad that we should let Nicole come home on her own, but I also had to work, pay bills, the whole mess. At least me and Liana got married during that time. Now we both have a son and I am just waiting for the next surprise.

I enjoy music, dancing, being around friends, my family, and generally having a good time.

I despise close-minded idiots, people ticking me off, liars, being cooped up, and being alone.

I'm afraid of cockroaches. I mean, have you seen them? They're like the most disgusting thing that has ever walked this planet and eugh!

My strengths are most kinds of wandwork (don't even get me started on transfiguring anything, worst subject ever) and I happen to be pretty good at telling when someone's lying.

My flaws are a bit of a temper and I might jump to some wrong conclusions on occasion.

I look like Will Smith.

My wand is a 12 1/2 inch ebony and phoenix feather, rigid with a bent shaft.

My pet is a chow named Butch.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy - A

Charms - E

Defence Against the Dark Arts - O

Herbology - A

History of Magic - P

Potions - E

Transfiguration - T

Cursebreaking - E

Healing - E

Wandless Magic - O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms - O

Defence Against the Dark Arts - O

Potions - A

Cursebreaking - O

Healing - E

Wandless Magic - E

Diamond Wales

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Diamond Wales

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:17 pm

xxXxxLiana Ramone Cherri, Non-Player CharacterxxXxx

Hi, my name is Liana Ramone Cherri.

But I mostly go by Liana, Lia.

I'm a female.

I'm 30 years old.

My birthday is December 30th, 2000.

I work as a writer for the Daily Prophet.

My dream job is being a writer.

My blood status is halfblood.

The house I was in was Slytherin.

I was in the class of 2019.

I'm interested in guys.

I'm currently with Preston, my husband.

I may seem to have an attitude and am pretty pushy but I'm really okay, well, you got me there. I worked hard during my life, and had some mishaps that caused me to have to prove myself. However, despite it all, I managed to still have a touch of a hopeful outlook on life, despite my abrasive personality. I won't hesitate to tell you when you're wrong, and certainly won't stop myself from giving you my two cents, even when you don't ask for it. However, I do happen to care quite a bit, especially for my loved ones, and won't hesitate to hex someone if they threaten them.

My background story is Well, I was born to a muggle by the name of Jack Baker and Tiesha Browning, a pureblood. My father didn't know he was marrying a witch, at least until several years after I was born. I had managed to cast a spell to turn everything in the house pink, and he took one look at my mother and left. He only ever came back for visitations, but beyond that, he wanted nothing to do with me or my mother. I'm still pretty sure that he only did that out of trying to look good.

My mother had to work extra hard to support me and her, and well, she made it work, but it was hard. When I went off to school, she managed to scrape enough money together to actually send me to the best school she could. However, I was sorted into Slytherin, while she was herself a Gryffindor, and I'm pretty sure that cast a bit of strain on our relationship, but she and I still cared about each other. While in Slytherin, I was the poor girl, never able to afford what some of the purebloods could, and I was looked down on because of second-hand robes and such. I developed a bit of an attitude because of it, and made me determined to prove to them that I could succeed despite where I came from.

I met Preston during school, and no, we didn't get along. We argued, we tried to hex each other, and I'm pretty sure that he still complains about that left hook I threw him during fourth year. It wasn't until later in school that I realized that he had really cute ears and the fact that his moustache had grown in well and well, I realized I had a major crush on him. We talked after that, and we decided that we should start dating.

After all of that, I graduated and went on into the real world. I married Preston, and we had our first son together. It'll be interesting to see if either his stubbornness or mine will survive in the years to come, or if it'll be the cause of our breakup.

I enjoy coffee, the blacker, the better, Jazz music, Chinese food, snow, and writing.

I despise idiots, when my husband does something stupid, being broke, liars, and silence.

I'm afraid of being back where I came from.

My strengths are writing and speaking.

My flaws are not knowing when to shut up, and my attitude.

I look like Jada Pinkett-Smith.

My wand is a 11 3/4 inch hazel and veela hair, inflexible with a decorated shaft.

My pet is a southern white-faced owl named Ghost.

My O.W.L. Scores Were:
Astronomy ~ A
Charms ~ E
Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ E
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ E
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ O
Arithmancy ~ E
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O

My N.E.W.T. Scores Were:
Charms ~ O
Defence Against the Dark Arts ~ E
History of Magic ~ A
Transfiguration ~ E
Arithmancy ~ E
Study of Ancient Runes ~ O
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:01 pm

xxxxD A R R E L LxxxT Y R O N ExxxC H E R R I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES DT

              AGE 23

              BIRTHDAY July 5th, 2024

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 12 1/2 inch, acacia and dragon heartstring, swishy with a spiraled shaft

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Shad Moss [x]

              LANGUAGES English, French

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDED Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              CLASS OF 2042

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              HONORS Prefect

              SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Daily Dragon writer, editor-in-chief

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Writer for the Daily Prophet

              DREAM JOB Journalist

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Divination ~ A
                  Muggle Studies ~ E
                  Music ~ E
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
                  Wizard Law ~ O

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ E
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Muggle Studies ~ E
                  Music ~ A
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ E
                  Wizard Law ~ O

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ ACTIVE Darrell is pretty active. He enjoys having things to do, and doesn't like it when things get slow in his life. He'd much rather have a busy schedule than one that's empty, as he can't stand long silences and being bored.
              ◊ INTELLIGENT Darrell is quite intelligent for someone his age. He is quick to think, and usually thinks through problems with relative ease. He also happens to be quite thoughtful of other people and tries to think through solutions for their problems if he is able to help.
              ◊ BOLD Darrel is also bold. He has no problems expressing himself if he has to, and tends to move to his own beat. He also tends to be pretty spontaneous himself, often doing things that seem to be snap decisions instead of dithering around on what he should do.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Darrell is a pretty friendly individual, ready to help people out if necessary and often with a smile and a cheerful attitude. He doesn't shy away from making new friends, and will often find ways to engage people to make them comfortable. Not necessarily a true people person, he does however make an attempt to understand other people.
              ◊ CURIOUS Darrell is also quite curious. He can often be found trying to find out more about new situations and new ideas, often to the chagrin of his parents. He can easily spend hours studying things that catch his attention, and when something new comes up, he pays attention to it and try and figure them out as much as he can.
              ◊ EXPRESSIVE Darrell is quite expressive, able to convey his thoughts and feelings through easily. He also has no problems with speaking when he needs to, as he finds that talking comes quite naturally to him. He also can express himself in other forms too, which at times comes across more music than anything else.

                  Chinese food
                  Having a good time

                  The word despise
                  Being cooped up
                  Being taken advantage of

                  Collecting old vinyl records

                  Writes well
                  Anything physical

                  Has a mouth
                  Tends to be impulsive

                  The dark

          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Darrell is the only child of Preston and Lianna Cherri, and raised by both his parents and grandfather. He didn't discover he had cousins or other extended family until he was around four, but according to his parents there were extenuating circumstances there. Nevertheless, he enjoyed a happy, healthy childhood, making friends easily with other children his age.

              When he got his Hogwarts letter, he was beside himself with excitement. He was finally going to go to the same school as his family, after all. He was disappointed that his cousins had already graduated by the time he was heading off to school, but it didn't deter the young boy. In fact, if anything, it made Darrell determined to leave his own mark on the school.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Darrell got to Hogwarts and was immediately sorted into Gryffindor. Even though it seemed like a slow year, he decided that at least it was peaceful and there wasn't anything going on like some of the things he'd heard about when his cousins were in school.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Darrell was quiet for the most part second year. He did hear about the possibility of the school newspaper being revived, and he decided to look into it when he got back to school after the summer.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Third year Darrell found himself joining the school paper, which he immensely enjoyed since he wanted to do something like it. He was paired with Clara Bautista for clubs, which he didn't mind, and ended the year pretty well in his opinion.
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Darrell's fourth year was pretty quiet, aside from working on the newspaper and studying for classes. Otherwise, he did nothing of note.
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Fifth year Darrell was made prefect, in addition to making it to an editing position in the school newspaper. He also had to deal with some creeper that was trying to stalk Clara, a Hufflepuff from his year and fellow newspaper writer and prefect. Needless to say, he had a busy year including studying for his OWLs.
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Sixth year wasn't too bad. Darrell was named the next to succeed in the newspaper. Otherwise, he had a pretty quiet year, though he was sad to see Clara leave at the end of the year.
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Seventh year was interesting. He had NEWTs to worry about, and he was also the editor of the school newspaper. He also might have started seeing Clara during that time, mostly on Hogsmeade weekends, but he hadn't decided to introduce her to his family as such yet.

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Preston Cherri, Liana Cherri
                  Grandparents - Phillip Cherri, Yvonne Cherri (deceased)
                  Aunt - Nicole Whitethorne (nee Cherri) ❤ Gearvin Whitethorne
                  Cousin - Tanya Lovette (nee Whitethorne) ❤ Echo Lovette, children Tristan and Elaina Lovette
                  Cousin - Timothy Whitethorne ❤ Mira Whitethorne (nee Mitchell)
                  Cousin - Issac Whitethorne

                  Best Friend - Name

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Clara Bautista
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Name

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 4/24/19xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          NEWTs Addedxxxxxx

Diamond Wales

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Shameless Dreamer

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