Okay so here is the deal. I've had a guild for a fairly long time and so far it's just been sitting in the corner collecting dust, so I thought why not remake it into something new and interesting. So after looking at guilds across Gaia I found that there were tons of Naruto and Bleach ones so emotion_donotwant to that.

After browsing other anime I found Inuyasha and began watching that, it was okay but it was missing something. I then turned to other feudal japan anime such as Kenshin and Ninja Scroll and so I thought "Hey why not do that sort of thing?" and so Yokia kami was born.

Or at least it will be...

The guild is set in feudal japan where all manner of japanese mythology come out of the shadows from Tenchu and Kappa to Bakeneko. But I need some help coming up with systems and such. So please PM me if your interested and please be sure to follow this code in your PM, thank you. emotion_yatta

Username: (simple)
How much do you RP: (again simple)
Have you had prior guild mod experience/ if so where?: (please provide a link to a guild if your still in a mod position)
Why are you interested in Yokia Kami?: (derp...)
2+7-8+15x3, is what?: (to prove your paying attention)