
Adores nature. Tends to stick close to trees, and areas with high amounts of hanging moss for shelter. One with nature spiritually, and constantly thinks about philosophical questions. Tends to dive into controversial conversation just to hear another's side of view.


Black, brown, and spotty bright green.


Something green and squishy gives way under hooves, and a breeze blows through the oozing swampland. Something else green and wavy blows about overhead, swinging this way and that and releasing smaller green things that float and twist and whirl to the ground.

Right about to take a step, a chirping sound appears through the sticky ground cover. A lowered nose, a sniff, and something black and fast leaps out from under the moss, landing on her nose. It sits there, unmoving, and begins to sing a song. A calming melody of night and sleep and peace, inspiring thoughts and wonders to the mind that a overactivity hides. Shortly thereafter, the little black bug leaps off and back into the moss where he came from.

Now in silence, no more singing cricket and the moss between her hooves, she contemplates the question: why? Why this, and why that? A fog lifted over thoughts, and two words appear.


Moss Cricket