Custom Request
username: Samuel Carlin
kin name: TBD
kin species: Kimeti
gender: Doe
growing or non: Non
request: This is a request to make a match for Wards The Way. She will also be a part of the story line planned and taking place with Story, Secret, Perfect, and whoever else gets happily dragged into that plot. smile

As Wards is based on Cernunnos, this doe will be based on Brigid, who is, among other things, the Celtic goddess of fire (and fertility and healing and childbirth and the hearth and...)

She's also, though, a part of the forest that Story and Secret and Wards, etc. love and protect. She should, therefore, have plant life/growth with/around her as the rest of them do.

I would like her to have the color of golden flame or firelight, not particularly red or orange, but gold and maybe even a pale, pale blue, like the heart of hot flame. Her mane would be long and edited, probably custom, as I'd like it to be similar to this piece of art, except golden/blonde/to fit the color scheme. I would also like something similar to that headdress on her, if possible.

I would also like custom horns on her, thin, twisting branch-like horns, like the limbs of the trees in that picture. The same length as a "normal" set of kimeti horns, but in the twig/branch style.

Green is an important color for her as well, so I would like to propose that her tail be long and feathered, full, like a peacock's. Something that would be akin to the train of a gown if kimeti wore clothes. Threaded throughout, and replacing feathers in places, should be vines and leaves that appear to have grown from the middle of her back to drape her flanks and trail to the ground.

edits? what do you want and what will you pay? Golden-white feather-tailed kimeti + plant growth + custom horns and hair. More details listed above. As this is a heavy edit, I am willing to pay 5 mil for her.

anything special about your request (RP need, etc.): She is destined for a heavily RPed plot, as stated. As she will be gifted away if chosen (I find it very hard to RP with myself, after all, and we want to spread the love of this particular plot out among shop regulars), I am not going to add a naming dream to the quest.

I am happy to find other reference pictures to better describe what I'm hoping for, if this custom is chosen, and they are desired. smile