So for anyone who doesnt know by now I am from Detroit Michigan. Detroit often does things to anger me because the people who run this city are complete idiots but now they've crossed a line with me.

A few months ago the Chou Anime Maid Cafe opened in our city. It was so great that someone thought to do it and branch out to Japanese culture it was such a cute little place with delicious food and even things for cosplays!....and now its closing. tomorrow actually -_- I really wish people would have given it a chance. they didnt get enough business even with their flow of regulars.....From day 1 there were people shunning it. saying it was a stupid idea and a fad that would die quickly. It sucks so much that people here cant be more open minded >_< now they have to close their doors. We can never keep nice things in this city!
UGH *so ANGRY* scream