Digimon are unique in that they can digivolve into different forms. Unlike most B/C shops you actually get to choose what your digimon will digivolve into!

The digimon are limited in what they can digivolve into, and we don't expect you to know all the various versions a Digimon can become. Which is why we use the DMA Digi-Dex. It's highly recommended you check out your digimon on that site to see what you can evolve it into.

There is usually a 'main' digivolution line. But you don't have to follow that strictly if you don't want to.

For example:

Koromon would normally digivolve into Agumon
Koromon can digivolve into Toyagumon or Betamon as well.

Agumon would normally digivolve into Greymon, but he can also digivolve into Tyrannomon or DarkTyrannomon. (to name a few)

So when you go to roleplay your rookie into a new form, try to keep in mind what you want him/her to become!

Roleplays to digivolve your digimon can be on-going or multiple roleplays with different people. You also don't' have them digivolve right away you can a choose to digivolve them when it fits the roleplay if you choose. When you have enough posts/pages to your roleplay. Post the form at the bottom of the post in this thread, and we'll review the roleplay.

The roleplays are not judged based on pages, or posts, we want to see your digimon and tamer/trainer/person/or wild digimon have a story, adventure or connection with their partner. The post limit is there to help as a guide, but the real test is if you're actually trying to make a roleplay or if you're just posting stuff so you can get the next cool digimon. If you don't want to roleplay just buy the item to digivolve it.

Growth: Automatic - no rp required
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Growth: Automatic - no rp required
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Growth: RP/Item Required: At least 15-30 posts. (1-2 pages)
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Growth: RP/Item Required: At least 30 - 60 posts (3 - 4 pages)
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Growth: RP/Item Required: At least 105 120 posts (7 - 8 pages)
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Only available to those who've roleplayed a good long story, and usually only if it makes sense in the story. So talk to staff if you think that time is coming, or if we should be reading your wicked rp!
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[align=center][color=red]DIGIVOLUTION ACTIVATE![/color][/align]
[b]Digimon:[/b] (link to pet)
[b]Roleplay:[/b] (Link to roleplay)
[b]Digivolution:[/b] (What are they digivolving into?)