Kein Taeru

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17 years old

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 182lbs.

Class: Standard Classes along with an advanced cooking class.

Occupation: Student/Part Time Janitor at the school.

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Hana Taeru
His younger sister, whom he's been taking care of since an accident that killed their parents a few years ago.

The Taeru family was never a wealthy family. Always making due with what they could, they quickly developed a system of ways to save on money whenever possible. Kein use to be an quick tempered delinquent type, but after the incident that cost him and his sister their parents, he quickly straightened himself out so that he would be able to be there for his sister.....though he still carries a sharp tongue toward most others. Since his parent's death, Kain has not only been tending to his sister and her upbringing, but also maintains high grades and works a part time job at the school to help afford expenses.
Hana and Kein were usually always butting heads, but after everything that happened and how quickly Kein stepped up to protect his sister the two's relationship has become a lot closer. Hana loves her brother for everything he's done and enjoys the time they get to spend together, when Kein isn't at school or work. Hana has a high level of intellect, so much so, that she's skipped a few grades and is now only one grade lower than her brother. She also does her own job of looking out for her brother.
The siblings have gotten over the incident with their parents, though Hana still has issues speaking about it, without Kein being present.