Avery Lyall

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Appearance Age
150 Lbs

Class: The usual required classes, plus gym, music, and drama

Occupation: Student

Family: Mother, Father, Older Brother and Sister

Bio(optional): Avery was born and raised in Cape Breton, Canada. Growing up he was always treated like the baby of the family since he was, but it never really bothered him.
At young age he was taught how control his Werewolf powers and how blend in with human society so that he could go school and be a normal person.
Well in school he was never the most popular person but he did have a small amount of friends and was in a couple of club including student council.

While in his third year of high school his both of his parents got job offers to transfers to Japan, after considering their options they decided to take it and gave Avery a choice to stay in Canada with his two older siblings or go to Japan with them.
Finding it a interesting opportunity he decided to go with his parents.