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Name: Kovu Kishinuma
✖ Age: 17
✖ Sex: Male
✖ Race: Neko
✖ Orientation:Homosexual
✖ likes: climbing trees, milk, fish, catnip, Getting into trouble, to get mad
✖ Dislikes: water, dogs, cage, cars, punishments, people that make him,
✖ Bio: Kovu was born into the slave shop by one of her masters. His mom was a big time slave she had about seven masters in one year so Kovu don’t know his farther. When the owner find out about Kovu he told his mother that she could keep him but to keep him out of trouble. When Kovu turned five his mom get kill by a man in a car People said around the shop that is was Kovu father. After his mother death he got into a lot of trouble with the law the cops would bring him back to the owner but the never yelled at him he would just put max in a cage and talk to him. Kovu began to fall in love the owner of the shop so the owner made Kovu his pet. When Kovu turned 11 the owner died He put his son as the new shop Owner. The son never liked Kovu because his own father loved Kovu over him. So the son would abuse Kovu and Make do Stupid thing from time to time. When Kovu was 14 the son put him in the slave trade market to see if he was good like his mother was.

✖ Personality: He is a BIG trouble maker but he doesn’t like to get punished from what he has done . He also has a very shot temper.
✖ Seme,Seke, or a Uke: Seke

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Name: Daniel Morishige
Nickname: Danny
✖ Age: 15
✖ Sex: Male
✖ Race: Wolf puppy
✖ Orientation: Homosexual ( Still a virgin)
✖ likes: Run, Walks, A loner,
✖ Dislikes: Cats, Cages, talking, being with
✖ Bio: Daniel was born in a big pack and he is the young wolf out of his family he was the runt . His father was the alpha of his pack. So his father never pays Daniel any mind he never showed him how to hunt he never did anything with him because he was very small and he can’t change into a wolf like is brothers and sister. When his father and siblings would go hunting he had to stay with his mother and the older ones. When Daniel got older he began an outcast like his uncle. Daniel’s uncle told him under his wing and should him how to hurt and be a wolf and Daniel fall in love with his uncle and they start to be together but never had sex. One day when Daniel was 10 the father found out and killed the uncle and tried to kill Daniel . But Daniel ran off before he could kill him. Daniel ran into a town when some people put him in a slave shop. Daniel was a show boy for about 5 years and then now he can be a pet for some one.He has not talk cent's he get to the shop he just stop talking.
✖ Personality: Shy, smart, outgoing, doesn’t talk much, outcast
✖ Seme,Seke, or a Uke: Uke

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Name: Mochida Kane
✖ Age: 22
✖ Sex: Male
✖ Race: Human
✖ Orientation: Homosexual
✖ likes: motorcycles, men, his body, gay dancing,
✖ Dislikes: Alcohol, drugs, foster homes,
✖ Bio: Mochida grew up in the worst part of the city. He mom and dad died in a car crash when he was two so he got put in a foster home. When Mochida was 8 he would fighting to stay on top of everything. He never stayed in a foster more than a week. When he final got a family they both were drug addicts and alcoholics. They would often abuse him to a point where he wouldn't be able to walk the next morning. His foster father would sexual abuse him for years. As time went on he went to a male only dancing or sell his body to is people to make money so he could feed his parents their addiction. But one day he found out that his parents sold him to a man who owned a slave shop so they could get enough drugs and alcohol to last them for a while. He's tried escaping a few times out so he can be sane be he get caught.
✖ Personality: Love to getting into fights, he is doesn’t obey anyone,
✖ Seme,Seke, or a Uke: Seke