Woe Otsuri

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Species: Fairy-Vampire hybrid

She looses all color, her eyes become a rich fairy blue, and her hair grows much longer. She also looks a bit taller and more mature.
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Appearance Age


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 97 Ibs

Class:All required classes.

Occupation: Student, but she wants a part time job. Unfortunately Her family just moved to Kumori, so she's working on it. (Get it? Working on it?)

Family: Her Foster parents.

Bio(optional): Woe was given up right after being born, where she was given to her foster parents. Yumae and Torikasha Otsuri seemed to be kind, nice folks. Woe however, had a completely different view of them immediately, ignoring them. She's been living with them for thirteen years, and isn't keen on the idea of their complete adoption of her. Her reasons are a bit farther down than just their ignorance and irritation with her. She's known to be the quiet girl who sits in the back, never doing anymore than she has to. Of course, old habits die hard...