I noticed, during a daydream, that I had the choice to make the daydream more automatic and much much faster, rather than worrying about details, the details just fill in the blanks and come more naturally.

But when I tried that kind of daydream, it was violent, happy, sexual, creative. I am extremely sure this is from the Id of psychology. The Id ego and superego. The Id actually looks like the word I'd, for a good reason. The Id is all about carnal thoughts and behaviors and associations, instant gratification, ego boosting, it makes us feel good, even if its bad.

The part of our mind that tells us that its 'bad' is the superego, which regulates and limits our behaviors. The superego can use, positive or negative reinforcement based on how you were raised. If you feel you are thinkin you are a bad person its because of how you were raised therefore, including moral preferences.

The ego, I have a more poor understanding of however. Because this definition could be similar but different, or very different from the traditional idea of an ego.

What I think is wrong with society is too much superego. It restricts our behaviors to cultural and social norms, therefore not allowing progress.

So when you daydream, please don't worry about if its moral or not, just think and dont look back on it. That should improve creativity, openness, and promote more of an understanding of yourself, even if the Id can be shallow.

My daydream was about gods, in basically their playground world. Human gods. They can fight but not die, experience anything but not be traumatized, and everything is impulsive unrealistic fast, and creative. Everyone who is in a situaiton aproves of being in that situation, because theres so many billions of humans, that there is bound to be one willing to play something out with you.

Oh and theres no language lol. Talking is too slow.

When I imagined this there were sexual themes, shapeshifting themes, dragon ball z kinda powers, anything that came to mind I did. It was sooo much faster than playing call of duty or dragon ball z tenkaichi 2. And I controlled it all.

Then I understood how the atomic bomb works on the atomic level a little better. Perhaps alot better. Thanks to dbz and the thought of making my unrealistic daydream become more realistic.

But then i also noticed how with dreams, anything can happen from anything, granting you ultimate power, like you don't need to form heat-waves to bake your opponent to death, you can just simply have him bake to death.

I would like to know what you guys can learn(or better understand) from trying this.