Hello and Happy Merry Yule Mas Za Kah! See what I did there? Added everything I can think of in there. Well, anyway, I would like to get back to role playing one on one. Since my work decided to cut everyones hours due to the Obama Care and my company couldn't afford it, we had to cut hours. Thank you Obama for cutting my hours. I honestly appreciate not being able to pay my bills. Mother Fletcher emotion_donotwant Back to the main topic, yes, I have more time on my hands and I'll have a lot more time when the holidays are over.

But yes, the type of role plays I do tend to be mature, but if you let me know that you do not do 'lets get it on', 'blood on the walls, tortures and screams' or 'lets talk like a drunk sailor at a sailor bar'. If you chose to go with violent or horror role plays, you need to let me know what your fears are and anything tragic happened in your or a friends life. Say I choose that my character has forceful intimacy with your character and you don't go with it because of something tragic in your life so you want to kill the rp with it. I have gotten some rpers that tell me, 'don't put that in, this and that happened to a friend/myself.' I understand, unfortunate events happen. But you really need to let me know what is going to bother you. I don't want you cowering in your beds tonight over a role play.

I do not do Yoai, however I do Yuri and the usual straight. I'm naturally bi sexual, but for some reason I can't get into boy and boy like other women. I guess boobies fascinate me more. If it is a straight role play and you can only play female, I can play male.

I have ideas and I would love to hear what you're itching for. I try to post daily but I may be absent a day. Like, I'm free weekends unless I'm babysitting for my tattoo artist. Warning: I do Vampire Role plays, but Twilight is not considered Vampire. I am anti twilight. I grew up liking the actual vampires like Bram Stoker and Elizabeth Bathory came later. Don't be shy to bring in different characters. they are random.

Okay, kids, lets get to business-
Like everyone else. What is bolded, I prefer to play that character. And any character gender in any description can be changed

The Hunter and The Hunted
[A] is a very skilled hunter in all the land and what was better is that the hunter was a woman. She could put any male hunter to shame with her skills. One day a doe got caught in a bear trap; but it wasn't any ordinary doe. It was a little witch who had disguised herself using a spell to protect herself from the witch hunters. But when [A] take in and nurses her back to health, she was soon told that is a witch and needed to be burned at the town center. Will [A] turn in the girl she fell in love with or will she help the people she grew up with all her life and bring the witch to her death?

Beast within
A new girl comes into town. She's pretty strange, but nice in a mysterious way. She attends the school and she's a great DJ at the night clubs. But some nights she won't show up for work and have someone else cover for her. She tries to be distant to everyone but her aunt that she lives with. What happens when the new girl shows interest to a girl at school? That's when everything becomes interesting. When the strange girl tells the one she's close to about the real world.... the real real world, [girl b]'s eyes are opened. And now that she knows that there are not only humans in the world, but vampires, succubi, incubi, werewolves, lycans, cat people, fairies, elves, imps, gnomes, dragons, ect. and they know that a human knows. Some are okay with the idea of humans being aware, as others are not and will do anything to get their hands on that human. Now the new girl must protect the one she loves with all her might.