Sounds of frogs, evening birds, and bugs filled the foggy dusk. Every living thing seemed to be in a stir. A sense of movement and energy was present in every inch of the swamp as creatures woke for the night. It was almost a frantic rush of sounds. Had the marsh gone crazy? What was this sudden madness? The trees suddenly became more visible and the noise quieted. Turning to the source of light, the clouds began to glow. All the life in the swamp hushed as if a stage had just been lit.
The clouds rushed aside, as if drawn theater curtains. Through the fog, the bright orange sun caused the land to glow. Sinking into the trees, it's large eye watched over the swamp, examining the silent animals for the last time before retreating to bed. Slowly the chorus of frogs began, thanking the shrinking orb for the day. More fauna joined until an entire symphony of sound filled the wet ground.
"Good night, glorious sun. Thank you for your light and day. Now it is time for the moon and time for our play. Your colorful exit signals our nighttime antics. Rest well, great sun, and thank you for this beautiful hallowed sunset. Welcome to the night, full moon."