Hey everyone! I'm back from a long hiatus, and I started up a new RP! Normally, I just do one x one's, but I decided to create my own!
Unfortunately, I need some help. See, I've only had one person send in a profile, and I need some more people.
Here's a link to the thread, so please please please help me out!

The Dragon Hands

Before you click, let me tell a bit about it.
It's a fantasy RP loosely based off the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon series). I currently need one more Dragon Hand, and at least two companions. Any gender will do, but having at least one guy would be pretty awesome.
The plot is pretty loose, as in, I set a main objective and whatever happens from then on is pretty much up to the people in the RP!
So, yeah. Pretty lax.
History, plot, rules, all that stuff is all there for you, so please check it out!