
Diego only chuckled, "Oh you have much to learn about this place." Diego spoke as inside was a concrete floor with no carpet or rug as the walls had a dark green paint and the house was quiet large and so was teh back yard that 3 other houses shared as at the moment it was quiet. Three men were istting on the couch watching TV before htey saw who arrived, "Diego! Where've you been man?" One of hte said as he stood up and shrugged his arm, the man wore a white T-shirt and jeans as there were a lot of tattoos on his arms and his chest that barely could be seen.

Minoru blinked a few times at the man. He was having a difficult time trying too see if he was tatooed, if that was just his fur color, or if he was just scribbled all over with.
"Oh, hello, sirs." he said to the three men.

The others hten looked at him and didnt say much sicne htey didnt know who he was but htey new the others, "Oh this is a new friend of ours." Diego spoke looking at Minoru, "His name was..." Diego spoke not knowing his name trying to get some help from Minoru at the moment.

Minoru gave a short, quick bow and said, "My name is Minoru Ookami, it is a pleasre to meet you."

"You work with the Colonel Minoru?" One of them asked before Duke stepped forward, "No, he's just a new recruit at teh moment but me and Diego had been friends with him for quiet some time now... when has it been Minoru? 4th grade? was it?" Duke asked as for some reason why it seemed as if they were trying to get him to look like he was with them even though they had been chasing him for quiet sometime.

"Eh?" Minoru wan't exactly sure what to do, so he decided to just go with the story "Er, yes! We've known eachother since then! That's exactly how long, not a minute less!"
He laughed nervously. Minoru was a bad liar, but since others we're going with the story, he was sure this would pass as a truth.