
( i thought you were never going to reply xD )

Akihiko cried, and pointed his bow to the ground. "How i know it was your kind, my parents told me about the weapons they carried, ones like yours......I also know it was your kind becasue i had to pull the the thing in this head out. It was made fo the same thing your weapons are made from." A tear from his cheek finally hit the ground. He walked over to his bag and pull out the thing from his brother head. The bullet. "This is what killed him from weapons like yours. How could you..... i trusted you..." Akihiko lost control over his mouth when he said that. He never trusted anybody he didnt know.
Something dark from his sorrow went in his mind. A evil grin slowly moved acrossed his cheeks. "Your going to help me. Your going to takee and my people to them and we are going to do the same your kind did to us." Something was wrong with the heart of Akihiko, His eyes became full black.. almost as if he was soulless.