Colors. Pretty pretty colors. Swirling and melting together. Green, yellow, orange, pink. What is happening? They’re not being see, but felt. Feeling colors? Is that right? What pretty colors though! Blues now. Blues and purples. They’re mixing and changing, fading. What’s this now? Balls of colors? These balls have seeds! Orange, green, pink, oh and yellow! Is that food? Can I eat them? Let me try! They look so yumm- OH! Those aren’t balls, they’re bubbles! Tickling bubbles! They smell so good. Too bad they’re not food. They do have a taste, but it’s faint. It’s sour. Yum, they’re so good! Wow! Look at that fat orange one! Oooh it is delicious. Makes my mouth pucker in a funny way. Sour bubbles. No, no they have a name. Trust, trest, Sit, sit rest… Citrus! Yeah! Yummy citrus bubbles! The colors are changing again. They’re getting brighter. They’re mixing into a single shade of yellow. It’s so bright. I want all the colors back! Where are my bubbles? What is this new color? It’s hurting my eyes…