
- Names Rastko, feel free to call me that or what you like as long as its not offensive.
- Currently looking for work but I have plenty of free time on my hands.
- I am a bit slow to post, often only doing so once or twice in the the rps I am in perday.
- Open to genre, setting, plot, paring, concept. Anything is an option you just have to purpose it. (Generally stick to Fantasy and Sci-Fi settings).
- I work with what you give me. That applies to posting and the creation of the rp. I am rather easy to get along and work with when it comes to such things.
- Literate can post between 3-8 paragraphs a post.
- Prefer Forums to PMs and email but they are acceptable options.
- Lastly if you are interested in rping with me. Drop me a line, either through here or by pm.
- I might request and rp example.

RP Examples:

- More can be provided upon request.


Xan Maruun


Xan had been on horse back for sometime. He had been ordered by the king to go meet with another one of the elementals, Temperance was her name, the fire warrior. He didn't know much else aside from that, other then touching her skin wasn't an option. Not even a handshake. Although it did strike him as interesting to say the least and he wanted to make a little bet with her. Now did she know of him? He wasn't sure what that king had told the others, he was new. Only been with them for a few days and still recovering from a few injuries. His current debt came from a duel, one which he lost.

Either way he rode into the stables and quickly dismounted. He paid the fee they required of him. Even if you work for the king, it didn't seem to much at least when got a look at him. His clothing was old and a little beat up but it suited him. The colors were faded slightly but overall everything did look to be in good shape, the ornaments remained in fine shape. His hair was tied back at the moment, it rested atop his clothing. On his right side was the focus, the gantlet already on. From there he walked the streets of this town, it was near the edge of the kingdom. Started out by asking people if they had seen this women, reported to the local guard outpost and learned she would be coming in soon enough.

He killed sometime at the local inn, snagging a drink or two for himself and playing a few games with some of the local customers. Although he stopped himself from using money, any of his hard earn coin. It would go south quite quickly but he wouldn't stop having some fun, playing games that is. He was there for a bit before leaving. Moving about the city once more he made his way to the gates about the time when she would arrive. So there he stood behind a set of large steel gates. Quite impressive in his opinion that they managed to open them so easily. A group came through the crack that he been made. Eye them up he looked towards Temperance. She fit the description.

Xan moved towards them. He raised his hand and waved a little as he neared. "Hello" he called in a friendly manner before coming to stop near them. At this moment he was about an arm's reach away. "Names Xan" he mentioned with a little smile. "Sent here by the King" he added. Of course he had been given a token and document to prove what he was saying, just a question of were he stashed it at this moment. "To meet with Temperance who I assume is you" he said with a grin. His eyes rested on her. Her outfit was most intriguing to him, stockings and garter, exposed skin. If things kept up like this maybe working for the king wouldn't be so bad.


((OOC: ))


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DSxU-Sol 00Y10
"Darius Maser"


Darius remained within his dorm for the time being. He lived alone in this place which was preferred at least in his mind. It allowed him to remain in his natural form, the door because of this always remained locked and he had added a second one of his own choosing just to be safe. Another layer of security had been implemented, scanners outside the door detecting weather or not someone wished to enter. It would activate a subsystem within him to apply the hologram over his body, making him appear to be a normal human male in his early twenties. Matters where taken a step further, his body would feel warm to the touch, breathing and a heart beat all faked. The only odd thing about him, he rarely seemed to eat by human stands, but past it off as merely doing so on his off time. Not that he couldn't intake food it was just wasteful.

Slowly he picked himself up from his seat, before a computer. It was on of this world, often used to interface with the system in order to gain access their networks and such. Looking down he brought his hands forwards and gave a small command. A hologram began to form over the surface of his grey metallic body. Always found this process amusing, watching as photons where rearranged and altered to suit his needs. It looked like a light cascading over him, before coming to its final appearance. Although sadly it wasn't as permanent as he would like it to be. A violent enough of an impact or electrical discharge could bring it all crashing down. Given there was always a back up in these cases.

From there his course of action was simple. Gather a few select items and leave his dorm room. Once in the hallway he turned his head from side to side, waved to another and then went about his way. Humans where interesting creatures to say the least and the others felt the same way about the race. Different then some he encountered but not so much as to feel odd odd when compared to several others. Slower in some respects, at least when it came to an changes in society, stuck in the past as some would say. Soon enough he turned a corner and kept on walking. Nothing had really caught his attention so far. His eyes wandered about, same with that of the hologram.

He saw creatures, well beings that were not human. Upon discovering this his curiosity in them peaked but never confronted them about their purpose here. Perhaps it was the same as his own? Regardless he would simple collect data, through scans and what not. DNA and other samples were also collected, nanobots dealt with such things. Eventually though speaking to them directly would have to occur. Merely finding the best way to do so was taking time. He might have a personality but certain elements of his mentality are closer to the cold logic of a machine. All that remained at this moment was to walk to halls for a period of time.


((OOC: ))


Rissarran Ure

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Rissarran came to rest. His eyes wandering through these endless woods. He listened to the area round him. Trying to determined his barrings. Taking in a breath his eyes shot up slightly. "Hmm where is it" he asked himself as he turned his head from side to side. He picked up the smell of a cooking meal. Even in his human form, his sense of smell was strong. More so then the rest of his kin and others. A few thoughts wandered his mind as he reached up rubbed the side of his face. It would be a slow walk like this but even in a hybrid form he was not the quickest of people. Taking a few steps forwards he began to move out. He followed his nose but kept his eyes peeled. Even if he had ventured here before not all where welcoming of werebear within their lands. Some had fought him before, to their misfortune but he never took a life, merely taught a lesson to those that attack him.

An hour past, perhaps a bit more. It was difficult to say in the thick of the forest where only fragments of light showed through the treetops. Although the longer he walked the stronger the smell became. A growl came from the pit of his stomach and it drove him further. His pace did pick up slightly to that of a slow job. Taking another deep breath through his nose, his eyes rolled back at the smell. It was clear now, stew of some kind. The details where had to make out in the nice of other scents but he found an objective say the least. he continued his journey until his eyes fell upon a structure. It looked to be a home. Well constructed, styled in a manner that fit those of the wolves that called it home.

He slowed his approach and walked to the home. Time to ask if he could but in on a meal. Of course he would not be so rude as to only take what he wished without first offering something in return. He did have some provisions or services he could provide. His nose was good for something after all. Upon first gaze, he would look like a mass of brown leather and fur. With two horns strapped to the helmet/hood which covered his face. Everything he wore was natural and came from those who died of natural causes or prey he went after. In his mind it was a reminder of the creature that lived within him and around him. He stood at a decent height, five foot eleven with a large, strong body.

Once he was close enough he tapped on the door. "Ho there is anyone home" he asked in a curious tone. His voice should be easily heard by those within the structure. The question was a tad on the rhetorical end of things. Someone had to be inside, he could smell nothing but the cooking stew. He waited for a reply and shifted about, looking through a near by window. There a figure. He waved towards them and pushed back his hood with his free hand, showing his face. It was round in shape, seemed quite friendly. He wandered back towards the door, waiting for it to be opened. In the mean time he thought of what to say. Always tricky dealing with people at least that where not your own.


((OOC: ))