Citrus Novii

They just want that kid born, no matter what. After you're out the uterus, the state is basically like, "******** it. You're on your own."

it was pretty much the word "defunding" specifically the "de" part which got me.

But I knew what you meant ^_^.

The problem with conservatists is they are idealists.....Hmm that sounds wrong.

But what I mean is its "nice" to have a idea, but yeah unless you think the idea all the way through, to even after the idea isnt being thought about. Then you cant really understand the consequences or repercussions of said idea. And basically as you said, those idealists dont really care about what happens at the end of thier idea.

Good XD
It took me a second to reply to this thread because I was debating whether or not you were being silly when you replied lol.

It sounds odd but it's TRUE.
I see very little difference between the two because of that though. Their ideas are the same, but their approaches are different, but they all want what they accomplish through ways that wouldn't necessarily work in practice.

The entire thing has been making me mad from the get go. The women on the side of PP are irritating, the government's decision is ridiculous.

It's just an unstable equation. I don't get how they propose to serve 100,000 more patients with the shutting down of PP when they're not expanding facilities or hiring more doctors.

It's just going to overfill the ERs and clinics.