
To keep this short and sweet I'll just say that I am a literate writer who is looking to start up a few roleplays through PM (and maybe threads.) I'm very flexible when it comes to planning such roleplays. I'm very laid back and pretty easy going. If you have an idea please feel free to share.

I enjoy anything from post apocalyptic, to futuristic, to medieval themed rp's. Currently, I have a few plots thought out that encompass a post apocalyptic grungy world involving warring vampire covens......a dragon campaign that is takes a turn for the worse when a general unexpectedly begins fighting for the other side....and a virtual reality that thrives while the physical world continues to rot in its own filth.

Please! Please! Please!
Send me a pm....I'm more than willing to brainstorm something original. Also! I am willing to take on a number of fandoms as well. Just ask.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope to hear from you!