Hey everybody,

It's been a very long time since I posted on here. But all for good reason such as work. For the last couple of years I have been writing a fanfiction heavily involving Hatsuharu. heart While it stays true to the furuba storyline, the story has a story of its own.

It is a YAOI fic involving an outside character who is travelling and decides to stay in Kaibara. Things are starting to get very interesting and there are a couple of lemon scenes just to let those people know. It is also partially a songfic (they perform familiar songs) as the character I introduce is a musician and Haru plays the guitar to pay rent to Shigure.

I'm really looking for readers who may be interested. wink I love getting reviews for the stories I write and so far 'Anything but Solo' has reached 1500 views in the last two years.

Here is the link;


I really hope everybody some people get interested. It's good to have followers who give feedback and tell me how enjoyable my writing is.

Happy reading
