Name: Von Raen
Age: 22
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Looks like:
Seme, Uke, or Seke: Seke
Pic: User Image

Name: Simon Raen
Age: 22
Race: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: Curious, outgoing, Social, Helpful
Looks like:
Seme, Uke, or Seke: Uke
Pic: User Image

Name: Rezar Zilar
Nickname: Rez
Age: 594
Race: Demi god
Gender: Male
Personality: Offensive, hot headed, stubborn, cunning.
Bio: He was born from a metal god and the reptile goddess. He was however tossed into the mortal world from a war of gods. He was deemed worthless to these beings because he was half breed. He tends to return to his world and prove them wrong. There was a several problems: He doesn't know how to return and he wasn't immortal anymore...Which in order to live in his old home he had to be.
Seme, Uke, or Seke: Seme
Pic: User Image


Name: Misae of the Migina Clan
Age: 22
Race: Werewolf
Gender: Female
Personality: Kind, Determind, Prideful,Cunning,
Bio: She is of the Migina Clan who hunt and prey in the woods.She is named Misae due to her white hair and and bright ways. The Migina Clan is a native tribe that has hidden themselves from humans due to their fighting and their unusual ways. Misae does not bend the rules even as their home is plagued by human war. She avoids humans during her hunts. It is becoming difficult however as the war grows and the humans use her lands to battle and ambushed each other.
Seme, Uke, or Seke: Seke
Pic: User Image
Misae's werewolf form