Hi before you say anything this thread is a bit dry but im stuck to my phone.

I found this guild randoml and I though it was perfect. I made a quest thread but the only people that have really ben to it are my friends or people I sent to it and I was hoping I might have a better chance here ^^

Ok now to the point hello my name is mastermind im on a insain quest to craft lucifer wings. This is one of the hardest things to quest on gaia.
It requires having the formula 1: fallen quest inizio. Then collecting all the required ingridents. I need to collect thousands of different caches to get the ingriedents.
I am barely getting started crafting some things as well as getting the fallen quest I am looking for one atm.
I have 2 items I need to get besides cache ingridents.
I need a smouldering helm by dernier*cri and a rubyback lion

For more info on my quest plz check my link in my signature

Things I need:
Paper, flowers, and bugs (from the towns)
black peebo feeders, pyrite bitters, and slate bolders (from durem lake though I will accept any color/type of the fish I will trade people for the ones I need)
And gold to help craft/buy the items I need

Thank you for your time