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Halcyon was crouched, moving forward quickly and silently, he already nocked an arrow. His prey was in sight. A young buck, not too large to carry, but large enough to keep from disrupting the cycle of life too much. He watched it carefully. His breathing was steady and paced, along with his movements. Soon. Very soon. he had been stalking this particular deer for a good long while now. It stopped for a drink.

Opportunity. The wolf took it. He raised the bow, pulling back the arrow and bowstring in one swift, powerful draw. Aimed, and immediately let loose.

The bow itself made a small noise as the string sliced through the air back into a relaxed position. The buck looked up to see the source, and the arrow met it's mark. With a audible 'thud' the arrow pierced the throat of the cervine, and it fell to the ground with a painful groan.

The canine stood, and walked over to the deer. Kneeling down and drawing his knife, he plunged it between the buck's ribs, ending it's misery. He grabbed the legs, two in each hand, and heaved the deer over his shoulders, and he walked back to town. "I hope Nazihm likes Venison." he said with a small chuckle. He was completely oblivious to the lurking gaze that watched him.

Imaginary Imbecile