With Sony introducing 3D this generation to the PS3 for their BluRay movies and games, they still had some slightly big setbacks as far as being perfect. The PS3 uses HDMI 1.3 which limited the quality of Blu-Ray movies in 3D, audio and graphics respectfully. The HDMI 1.3 was only capable of out putting native 720p resolution for 3D games as well as having non-HD audio for their BluRay movies due to the limited specs of the HDMI 1.3 wire.

Now with the upgraded inclusion of a HDMI 1.4 wire in the PS4, its overall performance is superior in every way. We now get to have uncompressed data running through the wire which will allow for the audio and video to both be high definition, something the PS3 could not do. While watching 3D BluRay movies on your home entertainment system you now get to enjoy your high quality speakers at full potential with your PS4.

While playing games the 3D will output at a native 1080p resolution with high definition sound. The PS4 is also capable of outputting 4K visuals for movies which match what most big movie theaters are capable of. For those of you who did not know the potential of the HDMI 1.4 wire I hope you have a better understanding of what the PS4 will be doing besides just the leap in graphical capabilities. Making this another reason to make the jump to a 3DTV this upcoming holiday season to go along with your PS4.


Don't get me wrong, 1080P and actual HD sound will be great, but 'Make the jump to a 3DTV', yeah that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Those things still cost a bomb, and if i were to get one of those, i wouldn't be getting a PS4 anytime soon either lol.