Name of weapon: Grimoire Heart
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Kathrine Grimsly
Where it was found/Who made it: It has been passed down from generation to generation, and now had been given to Kathrine from her mother.
Users Class: Ninjutsu
The Range of the weapon: Personal
Weakness: Its a book. It offers little to no defensive or offensive capabilities on its own.
Description: On the service it appears to be a typical book, full of nothing but fairy tale stories. Kathrine however is able to use it to amplify her "Fairy Tail Customs." While she has the book and uses these jutsu the cost to preform is reduced by one rank. So A become B, B becomes C, etc. However it can not lower an S or D ranked. It also extends the duration of the jutsu by 2 post. Tearing a page out of the book results in nothing for the pages are infinite. The book however can be burned with fire or destroyed similarly.