Here's a little information about me:
I have been roleplaying for about 4 and a half years now and love to write and draw fanart for my favorite roleplays that end up going on for a long time. I am literate and post about 1-3 paragraphs a post for any RP I may be involved in. I prefer to play female roles but I can play male roles as well but no yaoi or yuri (not against it. Just not good at it). Also, be warned that I don't especially like to play guys as my main character in 1x1s and I really suck at them. I am also online often and am always looking to meet new people and try cool original ideas! smile .

What kind of Partner I am looking For:
- a person who write large posts (1-4 paragraphs)
- someone who doesn't god-mode and is at least semi-literate
- a person who can play male characters (this is probably where I'm gonna lose a lot of people..)
- someone who is willing to contribute to the story at hand.
- creates interesting and dynamic characters
- someone who won't abandon the RP for no reason and not say anything > sad I really hate it when that happens..
- online often (enough to at least post once a day or once every two days)

I have some ideas here that are original but feel free to suggest your own as well:

1.) Eva is a vampire hunter who's family was killed by a vampire when she was small, resulting in her being the only survivor. She has a huge bone to pick with them and won't stop till they are all gone.
________ is a vampire that lives in the big city and loves the blood of humans but doesn't see them as equals. He is responsible for mulitiple deaths but he has done a remarkable job keeping his location a secret.
Eva has been assigned to find and destroy ________ and she has found a lead on where he is. She tracks him to an abandoned warehouse and starts to fight to the death with him. At one point, he catches her off guard and pins her to a wall and starts to drain her blood. But he stops almost as soon as he realized what was wrong though. This girl's blood didn't taste like zipping electricity, it tasted thick and sweet. Time seemed to stop for both of them when he tasted her blood. That only meant one thing. If a vampire tastes sweet blood, whether the person is human or vampire or whatever...that meant the person is their soul mate. Before he can do anything, Eva kicks him so hard he gets knocked out. He wakes up to see that she retreated because she became weak from blood loss. A side effect of a vampire drinking a soul mates blood for the first time is that they become imprinted on that person. On the other hand, Eva is now focused on either killing him immediately or getting as far away as possible from him.

2.) It’s the start of their third year of high school, and Emma decides to “produce” her goofy childhood friend, __________, so that he can become a good-looking and popular school idol. Since she and __________ had grown up in the country, she was tired of everyone making fun of him and calling him a "country bumpkin". So she models him after a character in a book she likes, but as ___________’s transformation becomes a huge success and he extends his new character beyond what she asks for, what will Emma do? Will she find herself left behind in the wake of his newly found popularity?

3.) Tsukiko Amagi is a 19 year old girl who loves cosplay. She especially loves school uniforms and has her own japanese school uniform for fun. One day she meets a guy named ________ on an online dating site and she finds out that he is a really cool guy. She also finds out that he is a senior at the high school in the same town she lives in and now he wants to meet her in person! The only problem is that Tsukiko thought that he wouldn't want to be friends with someone older than him so she lied and said she was 17. To keep her age a secret from him she decides to use the power of cosplay to pretend she was a high school girl like him. How long can she keep this up? Will he find out?
(Character also requires japanese name)

4.) Angels; the opitimy of holyness, servants of God, and symbols of goodness and purity. Well that's what most of them are like...but there are a few exceptions to this rule. One angel, who could pretty much be the exact opposite of "angelic" now has to face some charges for his sinful and bastardly ways. His punishment: exile from heaven! He is sent to Anarchy City, a city inhabited by humans and evil spirits alike. If he plans to ever be considered "cleansed" of his sinful actions, he needs to hunt down a total of 100 evil spirits in the city, using his angel powers to raise holy hell! But there's always a catch, and in this case, this one is that in order for the angel to use their powers, they need a human partner. The partner will keep the ex-angel in check and restrict them from using their powers unless they allow it. To activate a contract with an ex-angel and allow them to use their powers, they need to seal the deal with a "Heaven's kiss". So _______ gets sent to Anarchy City and decides to become partners with a human girl who knows how to hunt evil spirits. Can they survive the city or will they have more trouble surviving each other?

5.) Maya Walker, the student council president, got drunk at an after party, celebrating a successful culture festival with the other student council members. The next morning, when she came to, she finds herself in a boy's bed! Plus she is in her undergarments?! She soon realizes that the boy in bed with her is none other than ________, who is in the same class as her and the one person she hates the most at school because he purposely annoys her and disobeys the rules she sets yet somehow he is one of the most popular guys in school. She also remembers that his family is an extremely rich mob family and ________ is next in line to be leader.
Having had one night stand with someone so omnipotent, Maya can’t help but feel anxious. Now she needs to find out what happened when she was drunk and find a way to keep ________'s mouth shut about their affair. Now having the attention of other important mob families and her clean record at stake, can Maya survive??

6.) In the quiet town of Ambersole, a gruesome murder took place and a young girl named Alice was killed at the exact stroke of midnight. Because of this, she is forever trapped in a world between Heaven and Earth and every night at midnight, for exactly one hour, she haunts the earth in her ghostly form. A new boy moves into the town and meets the girl one night at midnight. Can he figure out this murder mystery and free Alice's soul for good?

7.) An old town holds a terrible curse. An incubus dwells in the forest near the town and to prevent it from destroying everyone, a female is led into the forest to belong to the incubus as an offering to keep him away. The girl who was chosen to be the next sacrifice, Elly, doesn't want to end up like all the other sacrifices and wants to instead fight off the incubus.

8.) A young siren named Aria is going through her coming of age ceremony. After passing her tests, Aria is finally being treated as a full fledged siren, like her sisters. One day, she goes up to the surface to lure some sailors and cause their boat to crash. She lures in a small boat, but she accidently falls in love with one of the young sailor boys on the ship.

9.) Romeo and Juliet are two young assassin's from two rival assassin order's. Both are sent to a masquerade party to assassinate each other. At the party, they both start to form a friendship with each other and decide that they don't want to kill each other. They form a plan to cover each other's tracks and continue their friendship secretly, but romance might form along the way.

10.) A young prince is about to be crowned the next ruler of his kingdom but runs away a couple days before the ceremony to the dark forest to escape his inevitable fate. While in the forest he meets a small snow fox who saves his life in the forest. The fox is actually a girl cursed to be trapped in the body of a snow fox by a witch and the only way for her to return to her normal body is to have another person take her to this magic tree that lifts curses.

So pick any of the story plots above and tell me if you want to do it and I will gladly set up a page for it in the 1x1 section of the forum smile
Or if you have any original ideas you want to try, let me know.