Update: 4/24/13 - Achieved the Familiar from Patmos!

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Name of Kin: Shimmerwood
Species: Kimeti
Gender: Doe

Quiet, high respect for the dead. She wanders graves and the mists of night to find souls lost from their path, and return them home. Guards the dead, and guides them with her bright orb pattern.

Some say in the night you can see the yellow orbs of her fur in the darkness. Some say they're so bright, they glow, but that's all a mystery. Very few have claimed to have seen her, and when they do, they say that she vanished before their eyes before they got close enough to speak.

Kimeti tales around the fire tell of her as the guardian of the ghosts of passed-on kin, saying she leads them to safety or back home when they are lost. Despite the calming story's words, the idea often frightens little ones.

Quest for Legendary: Questing
Status: Awaiting Kin Doe
Naming Dream: N/A
RP Status: N/A
Story Told/Heard: N/A
Ascended: N/A
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