Holy s**t bags, ladies and gentlemen. If you're like me, and let's be honest, you should be, you love the alfredo sauce at Olive Garden like it was your own son. For many years I've looked for the recipe to this delicious white goo, and even thought that I had it pretty close when a co-worker, whose husband once worked as a chef there, gave me what they said was the recipe. There were varying levels of success.

As it so happens, I was browsing the interwebs today and found on Olive Garden's actual website the recipe for their sauce. My mind is now blown. I'm gonna post the whole thing here in the unfortunate event that the recipe is later taken down from their site. This is getting made next Friday. You have my axe.

Alfredo Sauce

Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:10 minutes
Serving Size: 4

1 1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup imported Parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 cup imported Romano cheese, grated
6 egg yolks from fresh jumbo eggs
Salt and black pepper to taste

HEAT milk and cream in a heavy bottom saucepan until it begins to simmer. Turn off heat. Slowly whip in cheese, then remove from heat.
PLACE egg yolks in a separate bowl and slowly whip in a portion of the hot milk and cream mixture. Slowly add egg yolk mixture back into remaining cream mixture. Place back on very low heat and continually stir until simmering. Take sauce off heat so it thickens. (This will increase temperature of egg yolks, known as tempering).
SEASON to taste with salt and black pepper. Serve over your favorite pasta.