gender - buck
species - kimeti
growing - no

mostly neutral monochrome: middling and dark greys, blacks, touches of taupe. I do very much like grey and cream, but overall his look is one of darkness and neutrality. his eyes are some bright color, maybe a fel green or feral yellow. eye edit? the inspiration is that he looks trustworthy, but he probably isn't.

I'd also like hair, but I'm not quite sure as to what I want it to look like. maybe something that makes him look rakish and attractive. I think he's kind of the boy that lures in girls but would NOT be the type to take home to momma. maybe because he's already had a roll in the hay with momma, too. >>

Trespasser is all about the facade and has built up an enviable face to show to the world, so much so that even All She Surveys trusts him. she shouldn't. he has a knack for hearing things he should not hear, going where he should not go, relying on a smooth charm and his wits to get him both in and out. he is not a natural diplomat, as he has a sharp temper and a razor tongue when angered. he just knows, most of the time, what buttons to push.

in the end, Trespasser is trustworthy in two situations: extreme duress, or when it suits him to be so.