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❝ If people aren't so comfortable role-playing with a group, then come here and make your own forum for a one on one roleplay.
But you must include a few things. An example would be-

" Hey guys I'm looking for a one on one roleplay with someone. I'm comfortable with any ideas you have. But here are a few that I'm willing to do at the moment.

Schoolmate x Schoolmate
Doctor x Nurse

If you are intresed please send a PM or post here!
Thank you"

Something like that. I just don't want a post saying this-

"I hate rp-ing with ppl and want a 1x1 rp with someone. plz send me a pm or post here. i rlly want to rp."

Ahaha, no. If I see that I will delete it.
Well, I hope you get the idea!
Happy Role - Playing! ❞
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