User Imageapres moi le deluge.

He dreams of water still as glass. He dreams of the sky reflected upon the flood plains, the crystal clear scene of descruction and devistation. In that world devoid of life, the ever-constant sky never failed to stay constant.

In his dreams, he walks that plain alone. No sound, no movement. Only him and the waters.

Bring the rain, brother, bring the rain.

He remembers fire. Fire consuming all. Fire knawing at the bones of the dead. He remembers fire dancing in the winds. A doe who danced like wind had placed the embers, had kindled them, but it was not she who ignited them. In the flames, a shadow dances, the face so similar to his own.


Bring the rain. Bring the rain and quell the flames.

(And he does.)

But later he must ask if it wouldn't have been better to let the world burn. For the silence of the flooded world reminds him that all he loves has come and gone.