Orgasmic Berries
I honestly hope that it allows pre-owned games and that they're on disks not downloaded versions of them (Mainly because downloaded versions=less space on HDD=bigger HDD with Xbox=costs more. Also, pre owned games is what keeps Gamestop in business pretty much..)
What do you guys think will be announced on May 21st? When do you think its release date will be? Before or after the PS4?

Isn't there only going to be one edition of Xbox One, with a 500GB HDD? And I don't really mind too much about the preowned games because, I never borrow games from any of my friends (Mainly because they wouldn't let me) and I do buy preowned games but I'll have to get used to it.

I somewhat hope you're not right about that. I haven't really looked into the One since May 21st just hoping E3 has lots of good stuff. If the HDD is that small, it'll be bad. I mean look at Stallion83. Trying to get 1M Gamerscore. Last time I looked, he played and 100% every game I had BUT Naughty Bear. His HDD will be gone within a month he buys the One. You have to take the games and install them to your HDD, which is a pain in the a** (b/c you'll have the disk and case sitting around..), and if you buy it preowned, you not only have to pay for the game, but to install it to your HDD, you have to pay for it again. And if you install them to your HDD I'm guessing the games aren't going to take up a lot of space but that typically means that the games are short or something.
The only thing I think everyone knows for sure about the One is it comes with Kinect, all the social media crap (imo, I don't care about it), and that Europe released its price and in US $ its $600.