Well just looking for someone you might want to show him that not everyone in this world is cruel and that people care or are people all the same. Will he learn that he can be accepted or will he finally understand no one will accept him and he is a freak in the world?

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Main Stuff

Name: Mika
Gender: Male
Race: Neko
Height: 4’ 5”
Weight: 75 pounds
Seme, Seke or Uke: Uke
Age: 14 years old
Personality: very shy, quiet, happy when he can, scared, lonely, emotionally damaged, abandoned, caring, kind-hearted, sweet, sensitive to pain, mentally disabled, fragile, hesitant

And other Stuff

Powers: none besides being able to change into a kitten(in the picture)
Bio: Mika never really understood what he was brought into the world for or what it meant for people to actually care for him and want him in their family. When he was born his mother was happy that she had a child as well as his father but when the nurse’s cleaned him off they noticed that he had small ears and a tail, so they told his parents. Right away his parents panicked thinking that there was mistake and not their child and demanded to see their child, but the doctor explained that he was there’s and no one else. When they came to take him home even after they never came to visit him or wanted to be around him they took him only to drop him off at an orphanage. There he got the same treatment and the director handed him over to the mental physicality thinking it would help him remove the ears and tails. For years Mika stayed there with the staff and doctors doing all they could to get the ears and tail gone but when they saw it was not going away they began to tell him and force him to keep the tail and ears hidden from people and that he was a human being. And all that while Mika did what he was told and took the abuse from the staff and the other patients the doctor’s deiced that it would be best for them to get him to a family or just leave him in the streets and if that did not work then they wold put him down. Hearing this Mika ran away in nothing but what he had on which was just the gowned he had on and nothing more. For months doing what he could to find food and a place to sleep Mika grew up to fear people because he was scared no one would want him ever and that he was not pretty and so he stayed away from society only traveling within them as a small blue/black kitten when he was hungry.
Likes: fish, people scratching his head when he let them, watching the stars, exploring, food, sweets, warmth, affection, his tail, paper, yarn or string, butterflies, music,
Dislikes: being alone, getting kicked, people yelling at him, being scared, abandonment, being hungry, being cold, loud noises
Orientation: Homosexual
Martial Status: Single