My names Lorelei. I love to RP, but I haven't done much of it lately. I'm a bisexual literate roleplayer. My posts can be anywhere between 2-3 decent sized paragraphs or 3-4 smaller ones. I'm okay with playing both male and female characters with both male and female characters, however, that does not mean that I will do yaoi.

I'm a big lover of romance-type roleplays. I just seem to get more into those and my posts get more detailed and interesting. I can provide character biographies upon request, otherwise, I can just jump into the roleplay. I'm also good with playing up to 3 different characters. If there are to be any X rated moments in our roleplay, I'll do just enough to get the point across, but I will not go into all out detail.

I would like any partners I have to be able to post at least 2-3 paragraph responses to help keep the roleplay as interesting and detailed as we can. I prefer to roleplay in PMs just because they are easier to keep track of, and I can do as many roleplays as I want without confusing myself (or my partner).

I'm online at least once a day, so you can expect frequent replies from me. If you are interested in doing a possible roleplay with me, send me a PM or reply to this post. I look forward to roleplaying with you.