
So here is a simple "How To" on the role playing forum area. I will keep this short and brief for the 1x1 role plays so try and follow the rules please.

[1]. No Cybering in this forum. These may be 1x1 but I will still monitor to make sure that no one is breaking the rules.
[2]. A simple bracket system is instated here.

>>>>>>>>>>>> = Open
>>>>>>>>>>>>[$] = Closed
[3]. No "looking for" threads in here please. This is strictly for role plays weather they are invitation only or not. There is a "looking for" Forum for you to go to.
[4]. Violators of these rules will have their threads locked and must post in the Q&A forum to have it unlocked.
[5]. If your thread is locked due to cybering then once upon re-opening it you must delete any and all post pertaining to such activities. If they are not deleted by the next 3 posts in the rp the thread will be given ONE more warning before being completely deleted seeing as it goes against rule number one.
[6]. Pg-13 everyone. Keep your head above water on this and just try to be careful alright?
[7]. Take an exercise in tolerance. There are a lot of newer rp'ers out there who need experience. It's okay to be picky but don't be rude to someone if you don't like their RP style. Everyone writes different but that doesn’t mean you have to be rude.
[8]. If you have discontinued a roleplay or it had come to an end put a [+] in the title box if you still want it around to review later. If you would rather have the rp deleted please put a [=] in the title box.
[9]. All characters in RP's must be over the age of 18 or not be in a romance relationship. This is going along with he Gaia ToS and I ask that you all just accept it. You can still be in highschool at the age of 18/19 so don't panic to much. We are just trying to follow the rules.

As long as you follow these rules, the Gaia ToS, and the Rules & Guidelines for Gaia then there should not be any problems. I am not a harsh master with a whip when it comes to guilds and I will always forgive the first few mistakes. Just follow my rules and everything will be completely fine.