Bikki K

"The dealers are not really hard to find. You would just seem to walk around at night." Victor said as he sat down in his seat. "They have a sort of uniform. A black coat with a red arm band. If you do take them I suggest you listen to their warnings at least. But I guess I can say that they are basic generic warnings about not driving, or operating heavy machinery. Or taking more than the recommended dose" The way Victor spoke he sounded almost like a doctor warning about drug abuse.

Eventually he brought out a canvas, and various paints he got from home. It would appear he likes to use his own supplies in class. He took out a set of acrylic paints. In the bag can be seen another set which was of oil paints.

Shay gave him a smile nodding his head. "Victor don't worry I would follow any and all things about the drugs if I were to take them only taking the minimum amount because well you know. But honestly I would never drive or any of that while on something like that but I would stay home or walk to a place to be with a friend in order to maybe dance a little if it was okay and have a good time. I'm not really a pastier but I love to do some things some times. " he told him softly.
"That should be fine I guess, however unless you ask for the base, or the relax blends anything else isn't exactly for recreational use." Victor whispered softly while sketching what looks like a girl in a long flowing dress.