Alright the names Rastko. I have been rping for a bit now, around five years but I am not all to sure. I would call my self literate and can write anywhere from three to ten paragraphs depending on the rp. Overall I am pretty easy going and can work with just about anyone.

When it comes to interests, anything goes. Just toss the idea my way and we can go from there. My limits are your own and I prefer pms to threads at the moment but either will do. I am not concerned with the gender of my character, type of relationship, orientation and what not. All goes.

So if your interested in rping with me toss me a pm or qoute me here. Not exclusively looking for 1x1, group invites will be looked over before an answer is given.

Lastly here are some examples of my writing :

Tiberius DeCain

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Tiberius sat upon the edge of his bed, hands resting upon his thighs. His head tipped down, allowing his eyes to wander about the brown tones of the floor before finally turning towards the letter, resting upon the end table of his bed. Reaching out he gripped it in his left hand. Looking over the message once more he began to wonder if this was a trap or where it the truth and by going he could aid her in the saving of this land. Grunting he rose to his feet and stretched. It was going to be a long day to say the least or he had come to conclude. He would go despite his gut feeling. It wouldn't be the first trap he walked into and it wouldn't be the last. It only meant he would be clad in full armor, dragging along his weapon of choice. Although he took things slowly this morning before heading out. Took time with his meal, enjoying the various flavours and textures of the meat and bread. Ale had washed it down of course as it never was too early to start drinking at least when it came to unclean water. Eventually he had returned to his chamber, laid in his bed allowing his meal to settle before he donned his armor. Normally a task for two but his had been designed so that he could do it himself. It merely took him longer then he would have liked. He stood there and looked over himself, holding his arms before his eyes, making sure straps where tight and everything was in place. One last check and he moved to the chest which held his weapons. Kneeling down he unlocked it fetched his hammer and dagger. He gripped the maul underneath the head.

He balanced it in this manner, holding onto it as he walked through the inn. A nod came from him as he past the bartender. This place had been his home for several days, since he arrived in this town. A soft breath came from him as he entered into the streets. His head turned from side to side as he took in the sights once more. Various people past him by some looked, most cared very little for the armored man. Not an uncommon sight these days. Cries for help reached his ears. Someone had chosen to steal a coin purse. He of course aided the person in question. Brought his mailed arm out and about, close lining a man. It struck hard as he turned his hips forwards, bringing the full brunt of his weight down on their chest. They found themselves on the ground in a daze with a boot placed upon them so they wouldn't leave. Guards came took the man away, returned the stolen property. Thanks where sent his way and it put a small smile upon his lips. Perhaps this day wouldn't be so bad after all. Aside form this minor altercation the journey to the Purple Wurm Inn had been uneventful. He arrived at the location and leaned his weight upon the wooden door.

It swung open with ease. The sound of clanking armor followed as he planted his foot upon the floor. It creaked and cracked under his mass. His right hand followed, dragging in the maul. A sizable weapon, that looked like it had been crafted for crushing bone and metal alike with great ease. His eyes wandered about as he brought himself further into the inn. The sheen of metal clear as day as light struck the polished surface. A huff of air came from him as he stood there, he rested the spike end upon the floor and waited there. “An elf, drow, halfbreed and various humans” he thought to himself. An odd mix, considering he had not seen the dark skin of a drow in a few years. Her kind did not make it a mission to travel to mix settlements. “Odd” he muttered to himself as he looked her over for a single moment. His gaze was not one of perversion, he was merely sizing her up along with the others. He question how well they would function as a group. One thing was clear the women outnumbered the men at the moment. A whistle reached his ear. Turning his head he looked to the barkeep how guested him over to the others. He nodded in acknowledgement. He walked to them.

Ho there” Tiberius said as he waved towards the group with his left hand. His face remained hidden behind a helm. Across section of two slits formed a capital t over his face. He could see with easy and breath as the vertical slit down the front to allow him to speak. Two wings could be found swung around the sides. Section of brass around the slit provided a certain detail to the armor. It could also be located on various section of his suit. “You all have been summoned by Silverhand as well” he asked not directing his question to any of them in particular. He chose to stand for the time being. He kept some distance between them but they where all within arms reach. “If so I would like to ask all of you a question” he mentioned in a clam tone. For now he would keep himself hidden from them, they could be enemies after all. “Dose the letter seem trust worthy” he asked in a curious tone. It had been a genuine concern of his own. Was he being lead to a death, along with these others because of someone they wronged. It seemed unlikely given the current setting but things could be deceiving. Magic could alter ones perception of reality, trap them in an illusion and those such of himself would be unaware of it. “Or do some of you feel as I do and this is a trap” he added. For the most part he kept himself in a clam state but it was quite clear that his guard had been up. With the manner he grasped his weapon and his current stance.


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Rissarran Maaz


Rissarran walk through the forest which he him self called home. His siblings and parents used a house on occasion but his connection with the natural world was strong then most. He had trouble accepting something that was the creation of humans who did nothing more then pollute and destroy nature. At times he can hear the pain of the world below as various toxins leak in but their was little he could do about such things. The sound of water entered into his ears, only to cause a light smile to form on his lips as he neared the creek. Walking along the water he would follow it to a shallow pond where his guardian slumbered. It was a friend he had made in his youth and it served him well over the years. However he would have to part from this place to live in a home with several others from his understandings. The thought bothered him but he understood the purpose of this meeting, he was to be wed to another to form a sort of peace but how long could such a thing last. Well he had no answer to such a thing but it would take a great deal of time to win his heart and trust.

What felt like a matter of a moments past before Rissarra reached the slumbering beast. It stood a good few stories high and was built wide and strong. The head was sharply shaped and looked to be more of a beak that hovered a few feet above the ground. Walking slowly he rested his hands on either side and pressed his forehead to the leaf like surface. "Vakha ar' i' taure" he spoke in softly as he closed his eyes. A second past before the creature came to life, its torso glowed a soft orange yellow and it moved away from its master. "Its good to see you once again old friend" he spoke. The massive creature moved about and let out a deep sound. They had a friendship that spanned most of his life time as he made it when he was little and could not help but smile when around the large beast. "I am alright you need not worry" he added a moment later. Of course it had a mind of its own and was concerned for his well being, it could sense when he was not in a pleasant mood.

Rissarra paced around from side to side for a moment before the guardian leaned down and tipped its heads towards the right and let out another noise. "I know you are worried. I simple do not wish to leave this forest but had little choice in the matter" he said before letting out a sigh. "Its the will of parents and it will create peace so I will bare through it" he said. He fondly reached over and rubbed the side of the creatures head with his hand before pulling away. Even if it lacked a face it still seemed to be happy and enjoy his company. "Now while I am gone I need you to take care of this place" he added a few moments later. It simply nodded before stretching a little. "I will take my leave for now and do take care" he said. Slowly he began to back away from his friend and head back to home to check upon the others. He was not the only leaving home to meet with the others.

He walked at a slow pace and gaze upon his reflection in the water that was off to his side. His skin seemed to be made of a polished deep grey stone. While his eye gave off the same orange, yellow glow that gave his guardian life. Earthen robes made of various vines among other plant life lined his body but it was not accepted by man as clothing even if it acted as such. He him self had no desire to fit into the modern world and chose to keep close to this roots, literally in some cases. A sigh came from before he reached the house that his family lived in but he did not enter the structure. Nothing he owned was stored there but his siblings where probably getting ready for their trip. Slowly he walked along the side of the house and headed for the main entrance.


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Doriam Kov


Doriam stayed within the cockpit of Maller. Felt at home seeing as he spent the better part of five years within it. Opening his eyes they wandered looking over the information that was being fed to him. The technology that connected him to Unity also allowed him to communicate well is mech and other artificial systems. In the end they had installed something that augmented his reality. Messy business but the benefits outweighed the risks. Nothing some biochemicals couldn't fix right? Or so he told him self and so did the others of Providence. Their emotions, thoughts and ideas flowed through him. Making sense of it was difficult but it was something you learned as you grew up.

He felt him self jerk as his transport from Providence dropped from hyper space near the location of Xeno Bane. A human vessel from his understanding, well equipped for dealing with aliens alike. He was aware of the communication that would in sue. Complaints about various procedures came up. As to what to do with him in the end. Drop him right into combat or have him first dock in the Xeno Bane's hanger and go from there. Of course they would follow the wishes of the commanders of the other vessel despite their readiness to share tactical data, read outs etc. However the quicker he was tossed into battle the better for everyone else. Although he and a number of the others had doubts about this.

Doriam opened up a com channel to the lead mechanic of the Xeno Bane. "Clydaliance Joe Ricard" he asked in a polite manner. "This is Doriam Kov of Providence. Be ready to accepted Maller into one of your hangers. Information regarding it function and requirements are being transmitted to you as we speak. Pleasure to be working with you" he said. From there he leaned back let Maller interface hug him into place for the ride that was about to occur. The transport hovered before the entrance to one of the hangers. The bay doors open out and Maller emerged. Of course it was easy to spot. White had quite the contrast on a black background. Along with it a sizeable cargo container followed. Replacement parts, additional supplies should they be needed for repairs. The thruster blared as it drove him into the other ship. Gently it touched down on the metal dock.

"Where do you need me to go" he asked. The communication link between the two was still active. Although in his honest opinion, speaking was quite the waste of effort. Far simpler if they all accepted the call of Unity and joined with them. However he understood how much of an up roar that might cause amongst their culture. Any would be embraced with open arms if they desired to join. That was another agenda of his own. Spread the word of his faith and their culture. For now he remained stationary, taking in what he could of this place. He wished more then anything to be on the surface of the world below fighting. His transport would remain here for the time being. A few other systems needed to be integrated with Xeno Bane. Most importantly a transmitter which would allow him to remain connected to Unity even from a great distance. It could also function here allowing others to join. "If you have question. I will be more then willing to answer them" he mentioned. One thing was clear. His voice was gentle. Speaking was not common among his culture.


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Where: Frozen Wastes
Whom: Slavage Crew
Doing: Working at Night


Gear had his foot on the peddle. "Where the hell are we going" he called from the drivers seat. His eyes in the sky Hawk had them chasing down some falling shard from the sky. They came down often enough, how they earned most of the money. Gathering old tech or raw minerals. However there was always the risk for Razor Hail. Nasty stuff, small broken bits or debris that cut through suits and people alike, mechs were safe though. Either way his attention drifted the are in front of them. He was leading the pack of three flatbed trucks. One hauling three mechs, the other empty and the third had the salvaging equipment. Extra truck for some extra security, always a chance of raiders would come by.

It took some time to get there but eventually they did and set up shop. He parked the empty flatbed and put on his helmet before hopping out into the cold. Even though his suit protected him he felt a shiver go up his spine. The wind was bad and he could see a storm coming from the distance. "Make this quick. Guard crew get mobile, cover us as usual. Salvage crew start moving, Hawk meet me to check the salvage" he ordered. He ran this small operation but they where apart of a larger convoy of mobile vessels. Looking about he walked forwards and let out a sigh as he caught sight of the crash location. It was below them it seemed to slip into a sink hole. Turning on his light, his expression changed slightly.

He rushed back to the truck and grabbed some climbing equipment before descending into the sink hole. A slip would see him land back first on top of a hard metal surface. He swore under his breath before slowly rolling over onto his side. A few seconds past before he rest on all fours and looked down at what they had found. "Seems we got a new toy" he said over the intercom. Their suits weren't that advanced, more or less protected them from the environment but they had some useful functions. Radio, lights, basic sensory unit. "Send the scanner down" he called.

Shortly after that a box like device was lowered to him. He pulled out one device which fit over his hand and quickly ran it over the mech to get an idea of its interior. To his surprise, he couldn't scan it. From there he tried scratching the surface with no luck. Every other test fail, so much for cutting it up for salvage. "Gonna have to lift it out get everyone in position" he mentioned. More instructions would follow and eventually they would get it out of the sink hole but it cost them. A crane broke, along with the winch on the salvage mech. It kind of pissed him off but he was sure to make his money back and then some with this thing if everything went well.

They would rejoin the main convoy and transfer themselves to his personal transport. It was about the size of a warehouse or two. Acted as their home and small base of operations but they weren't quite self sufficient. Either way he would the mech down flat and take a sitting position on its chest. His suit still on but his helmet was off. He had a mohawk and jet black hair, pale skin. Reaching up he rested his chin on his hand and wondered what he was going to do with this.


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Severina Mae
HP: 85%
Armor: 90%
Conditions: Soft tissue damage shoulder


Severina slid across the ground, holding back the grabbing hands of two skeletons. Tip her weight forwards she leaned against her shield and quick threw her arm forwards pushing them back. "Back you beasts" she called in a growl before ferociously strike diagonally with her heavy mace. It crushed the bone beneath. Tipping her head back she looked to one of the mindless minions it reached out and gripped onto her arm tugging it forwards. She fought back but felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. Swinging her weight back the mace came swinging back destroying the remains of the beast.

She stopped for a moment, let her arm fall limp for the being. The weapon fell low, almost touching the ground. She leaned her head back and let out a cry of pain and anger. Not the smartest idea as someone was bound to hear her scream in these woods but it was needed for her well being. It would allow her to move on without trouble. She let her body slump forwards to rest for a moment or two. She thought to her self why did it have to be this kind of life. It would see her dead but she knew to do anything else but fight and these visions or dreams bothered her so. Pushing her forwards to this place, was the only thing that eased them from her mind.

Letting air fill her lungs, she waited until they where full before letting out a soft breath. She picked her head up and looked to the two bodies on the ground. It might have been wrong to steal but she did without a second thought, took a tattered cloak and wrapped it around her figure. It covered a good bit of her armor, a few holes could be found. For now it would do in case it rained or she was forced to fight one of those zombies. Blood was difficult to remove from metal at least when it dried off. Finishing up she closed her eyes and raised the butt end of her weapon to her lips. She muttered a few words, only to press her lips gently against the weapon, kissing it for luck. At this moment she had said a soft prayer for those that she had killed. They might have been the undead but once they where alive and their souls left in torment.

With the prayer finished she set off. Quickly turning herself on the ball of her foot. Where was she going? Somewhere unknown to her at this moment. All she did was walk and move towards some goal of objective. Maybe she would have to clear this place of the undead. A task fitting an army not a single Templar. As time past she moved onto a path. It looked traveled but she could not tell by who. A shrug came from her before picking a direction. She would head south from there in hopes of finding others. In her mind that would be safer, having others to fight along her side. Perhaps even another Templar if they had been given the same dreams as her. Ahh how wonderful it would be to have found another of her order. They where a small group after all.

A sound caught her attention however. It sounded like a falling tree? That was no good. "What manner of beast must be able to do that" she asked herself in a quite tone. Her left hand moved a little, coming to rest on the haft of her weapon. She would only hold onto it for the time being as a safety precaution. Where was she headed? Simply to the sound of the falling tree.


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