So I have a roleplaying idea for the next three Avatars after Korra. I will have two Avatar positions open, So the position of the Earth and Air Avatar would be open for anybody interested but here are the basic plots. Since I thought these out a lot, I think it would be a lot funner to roleplay than having a story that goes nowhere(i.e. everyone has to be a basic background character) It gets boring. So, two people have the privilege of being the Earth and Air Avatars with character maps and there will be plenty of Team Avatar positions available as well.
Avatar Weisheng-The Earth Avatar (Open). Faces the threat of industrialization and the danger it poses to the environment as well as the Spirit World(I know it's been overdone, but it would be an interesting subject to explore)

Avatar Eiji- The Fire Avatar (Taken) He's the Fire Nation prince, but he has to explore his true identity as well as facing a fake Avatar who's ability to bend all four elements seems to be the real deal.

Avatar Aria- The Air Avatar(Open) This will be the time traveling Avatar. She faces a threat of time itself being rewritten. She follows the villain to the very beginning of the current Avatar cycle (i.e. Aang's time)