Every week, GameTrailers runs a short show called Invisible Walls, in the latest episode media member, Marcus Beer directly attacked Phil Fish and Jonathan Blow, who he sarcastically refers to as "BlowFish." Needless to say, Fish wasn't too happy to hear it. "The thing with us "tosspots" "hipsters" is that we're not beholden to media leeches like you," Fish publicly tweeted to Beer today. "And you're right. we're VERY successful. and we're not going anywhere. get used to it you middle-aged parasite," he continued, "compare your life to mine and then kill yourself." [sic]

Class act everyone. While it's easy to understand that game developers don't exactly have the easiest job in dealing with the public - see Dan Amrich's response to death threats in the industry - someone telling another person to kill himself is certainly not acceptable.

Ironically, Fish is now demanding a public apology from Beer while expressing why he has a right to tweet such things. "how would you react tot his kind of s**t if you were me," he began, "consider it's been going on for years now. you'd take the high road? im being attacked CONSTANTLY. and i can't fight back? ever? yeah that seems fair." [sic]

"there's not a day that goes by i don't fantasize about leaving it. but that would only make you happy, right? i don't want to have to get off twitter," Fish states, "i love twitter. but it also invites SO MUCH UGLINESS into my life." [sic]

It's a messy situation, one that veterans in the industry can certainly understand. Sometimes you're having a bad day, one thing hits a nerve, and one public outburst comes back to bite you in the butt. Luckily for Fish, he's an independent developer, otherwise he would have certainly found himself canned by now. Does that mean this is only acceptable behavior because he doesn't have to answer to anyone but the consumers? We certainly hope not, this type of behavior shouldn't be encouraged in the industry.

Update #1: Phil Fish has protected his Twitter account following a tweet that read, "im done. FEZ II is canceled. goodbye."

Update #2: The official Polytron account has reiterated Fish's tweet cancelling FEZ II. "It's with a heavy heart that we announce that FEZ II has been cancelled and is no longer in development. We apologize for the disappointment."

Update #3: Beer was apparently calling for all media outlets that were dismissed by Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid, and Phil Fish, to "boycott" covering their games. "They have to suck it up [and answer people's questions], it's a two way street," Beer said.

Update #4: Beer has invited Fish to talk at PAX regarding the issue. "The invite is there. If you want to talk & prove me wrong, happy to do so," Beer told Fish, "I also said you were hugely respected. You don't help with the way you communicate. You alienate people myself included."

Update #5: While it doesn't change what has taken place, apparently Fish's quote about Beer killing himself is a quote straight out of Futurama. Moral of the story is, on the Internet, no one can hear the tone at which you say things. Be careful what you tweet, folks.


I've never had much respect for Phil though I do love Fez, but wow, just wow is this childish as all hell.