Name: Dymitrei Karwatsky
Nickname: Dymitrei, Diana Schwartz
Age: 27
Race: Human (Ukrainian)
Gender: Male
Personality: Dymitrei is an extremely shy but kind-hearted person. He's sometimes unintentionally rude and seems to come off cold due to his social anxiety and nervousness. He's very modest and humble and has low self esteem and confidence. He always puts himself before others. He can be goofy and lazy at times when he's comfortable to be himself a bit and has an addictive personality.
Looks like: A very thin and frail looking young man with a pale complexion. He has a slight ruggedness from days without shaving. His dark blue eyes are surrounded by dark circles and bags from months without healthy sleep. He often wears dark clothing outside but inside he tends to wear pink pajamas shirt and black sweatpants while working or goofing off from his work.
Bio: Dymitrei was born in the Ukraine during the coldest January. He was an only child and spent most of his childhood alone and distant from other children. His drug-addled mother was abusive towards his father and was taken from them by his grandparents. His parents divorced and mother had went to rehab and father moved to America and remarried. When Dymitrei was 8 he left Ukraine to live with his father and step-mother and have better life then what Ukraine could offer.

He was distant from his step-mother and father and had shown a sign of mental unwellness since he was 6. He was diagnosed with social anxiety and until he was 12 thought to have autism (it was later disproved, he was just very a**l). He had taken ESL classes until the end of middle school and built a small friendship with a foreign Korean student who introduced him to anime and manga. He became a closeted otaku because his father did not approve of anime, seeing it as lewd and childish, and definitely did not approve of his son's liberal ways of thinking.

Dymitrei's family moved again to California and was separated from his friend who returned to South Korea. He was homeschooled for one year before going to highschool where he was bullied and alone. During his 3 years of highschool Dymitrei tried to kill himself 2 times and was nearly beaten to death by an anti-Russian bully. He was a bright student though and excelled in his reading and creative writing courses. He went to a University with the goal of becoming an author.

As the years went on from middle school onwards Dymitrei's social anxiety had become crippling. He had formed a kneejerk reaction to people he's never met and gets nervous easily and vomits during extreme anxiety attacks. It's come to a point where he barely ventures out of his shell and can barely form words to strangers. Dymitrei did eventually become an author and made a unique partnership with his editor. He adopted the pen name Diana Schwartz because he felt more comfortable using a fake name of a woman then his own, to protect his own privacy and way of life.

His book Nero's Alchemy became a huge best seller for young adult readers and later became a book series and a brief TV series that was later cancelled due to budget issues. Dymitrei lives by himself and writes and submits his work from home. He barely ventures outside, only for his cigarettes and errands. Dymitrei has been suffering from a long term insomnia problem he had since college and suffers from nightmares from his past.

Dymitrei is a sweet guy at heart with a lot of modesty and low self-confidence. He's very smart and humble but is crippled by his mental issues. He's a very lonely and shy man who only wants to be surrounded by anime and videogames and cute things. His one goal in life is to meet his special someone and work up to courage to hold that person's hand.
Seme, Uke, or Seke: Seke
Pic: User Image