Citrus Novii

I'm not really sure if there's anything statewide actually, the only food thing that's a huge deal here are like...BBQ festivals or chili, but we get invited to the Pizza Expo in Las Vegas every year, one day it'd be super cool to go to that. Even if a lot of the convention is a lot of hype and a bit of camp, there would be a lot of people there to take advice from.

We purchase the beef (we're in the process of getting a grinder, slicer, and dough mixer) and then we hand season it and cook it off in the oven for about thirty minutes so that it retains it's juices and doesn't get dry in our walk-in or prep station.

If you were to come visit it would require a lot of planning anyways lol, since we're both super busy people. c:
That stuff just sounds so complicated! gonk
Not that I think your an axe murderer or anything but what would happen if you committed a crime in another country? Would they deport you back to NZ or would you serve time on the soil of the country where the crime was committed? Or is that something fluid and depends on the circumstance?

Dunno, there does seem to be some wider consumer choice awards in the states, and or texas. But yeah consumers choice awards are always popularity contests.

Thats awesome, does sound like well looked after beef ^_^ (next question is where do you get it from? ninja )

The pizza expo could be good, but you would definitly have to do a really good look at the cost benifit ratio of the whole thing.

I believe if I did a crime worthy of jail time, then based on the agreement between the states and NZ (Or many other countrys) I would be deported and dealth with by my own country. Of course the US has been known for not playing fair ball in those games though.