
I don't know if anybody reads this, but my role play Love Me Eternal (LME) needs guys. Recently, we've had a player leave (he controlled two guys), so we need somebody to fill his spots. Also, we have an open guy. He is an Asian who is a goofball and loves his technology. Reference the RP for the other two guys. If you have any questions, please direct them to me.

Love Me Eternal is a remake of the original RP. The original lasted about 300 pages and went on for at least three years. I'm determined to do the same with this remake. Thus, I am looking for committed RPers. I DO NOT recommend that you join if you KNOW you won't be able to be present during the main year. We NEED active people, and we have been successful in that endeavor thus far.

Love Me Eternal is a vampire school RP. If you want to check it out, click this link. Frequently I update our "Story Summary" post. If you would like to know where we are, reference that; it is at the bottom of the first page. If you have any questions please direct them to me via PM. DO NOT post in the OCC or the main thread.