Hello, there! My name is Amber and I used to be a rather avid RPer on Gaia before I slowed down just a tad and, looking back, I'm glad I did if only to let my writing skills improve. In the time that I was gone, I managed to increase my vocabulary slightly and I gained the ability to stay in character more than I have in the past so I'm really looking forward to RPing with all of you!

I don't often roleplay with OCs, especially when it comes to them being in relationships with canon characters, but if you happen to have an OC with a biography and everything written out, I'll be happy to look into it and make one of my own to counterbalance if you wish for me to do so! Although, I am very open to original ideas and will gladly make up an OC for said original ideas! So, if you do have an idea that you want to RP out with me, just let me know!

My replies can go from one paragraph (5-10 sentences) up to a good five paragraphs if I feel like I can bounce off of replies efficiently enough, so I would appreciate it if you would make an attempt to do the same as well while being literate. I fully understand if the attempt at writing even a single paragraph is difficult if you feel the roleplay is slowing down or you're losing interest, but tell me if you are and I'll completely understand! Don't feel shy about talking to me out-of-character while we roleplay together, too. I really enjoy getting to know the people who I interact with personally as well!

I'll do just about any kind of roleplay with the exceptions of non-con, scat, waterworks, and bestiality. Other than that, I'm mostly all for it! So don't be afraid to throw your ideas and kinks at me whenever you want.

I have a rather extended amount of fandoms to roleplay with, but some of them I haven't been to active in for a while so sometimes it might take a little bit to get a reply out at times since it takes time to get in character, so I apologize in advance.

Each of the pairings I'll roleplay is separated by fandom and the character I'd be fine with roleplaying as is underlined! If neither of them are, then I'd be fine with being either one. ^^
OTPs are marked with a heart emoticon.


Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)
Eren x Levi heart
Eren x Jean
Jean x Marco heart
Levi x Jean (As weird as it sounds)
Erwin x Levi
Reiner x Bertholdt
Ymir x Krista
Sasha x Mikasa

Dave x Karkat heart
Kankri x Cronus
Bro x Dave
John x Dave
Dirk x Jake
Bro x Dad

Iwatobi Swim Club (Free!)
Rin x Haru heart
Makoto x Haru
Nitori x Rin
Rei x Nagisa heart
Rei x Rin

Shizuo x Izaya heart

Uta no Prince-Sama
Ittoki x Tokiya
Natsuki/Satsuki x Syo heart

The Avengers
Tony x Steve heart
Tony x Bruce
Tony x Thor

Dean x Castiel heart
Sam x Lucifer

That's just a little taste of the fandoms I'm a part of but if you have a show that you want to suggest to me, then you can do so and I'll do my best to catch up with it as quickly as I possibly can!

I look forward to roleplaying with all of you! ^^